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Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:29 am

I like Clay Aiken. :) I've got his CD, 'Measure of a Man" too.

*Listens to it*

Wed Aug 11, 2004 2:54 am

Kitten Medli wrote:Yes,but I meant feelings. I know I shouln't even care,but I can't help it.

And I can't help but look either.

But,anyway,how about we just forget this happened? I'm not up to a debate or anything like that. :)


How do you like the weather today? ;)

Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:07 am

He's ok, but I'm not into him.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:18 pm

anti. wrote:He's a stalker (that lyric in the Invisible song.) He's geeky. He got it through AI.

My mom said the exact same thing! Hehe.

I don't particularly like him, no. Sure, once in a while I'm up for some crazy poppiness, but his kind just doesn't do it for me.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:30 pm

Don't love or hate him. He's just sorta....okay.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:34 pm

Medli, I thought you hated Clay. ;)

I hate him. He's like...a stalker. His voice is annoying. Though I respect him for all of the organizations and things he's helping. :D

Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:36 pm

I don't enjoy his music, but he helps disabled children, so he's an okay guy in my book.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 7:39 pm

Kitten Medli wrote:
shortin wrote:Im sorry to all the Clay fans but I cant stand him! I saw this real gay picture of him once on a magazine. It just made me laugh at how gay he looked.

anti. wrote:Beware of my opinions, Claymates:
He's scrawny. He's a stalker (that lyric in the Invisible song.) He's geeky. He got it throught AI.

Ugh. This is what I am talking about. Can you please keep this kind of stuff to yourselves? I understand its your opinions but..I get offended really easy. But that wont stop anyone,so..

I'm not gonna bother fighting back. I know whats true. *shrugs*

I quoted what I thought about him...you wanted an a opinion so i have you one.You can like him all you want, that doesnt mean everyone else is going to like him.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:19 pm

shortin wrote:I quoted what I thought about him...you wanted an a opinion so i have you one.You can like him all you want, that doesnt mean everyone else is going to like him.

Never said you had to. That isn't what bugs me. I don't care if people dislike him.

Kristina wrote:Medli, I thought you hated Clay. ;)

Don't set me off. :battar:


Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:52 pm

I bought his first single (Bridge Over Troubles Water/"Something else"), 'cause I thought his voice was kinda nice. I haven't bought or listened to any of his stuff since, but he's adorable in his own way, I suppose.

I still like Ruben better, but he seemed to have disappeared.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:25 pm

I just don't like it when people make fun of him for being "gay" or being a "stalker". First of all, he isn't gay. Second of all, even if he was gay, it's not like there's something wrong with it. It's just a preferance. I'm not gay myself, but it annoys me when people make fun of others for being "gay". It's just wrong.
And just because a song someone else wrote for him on his old label (19Evil...gave him no choices of his own) was...er...had stalker-like lyrics (it happens to be my least-favorite song of his) doesn't actually mean he is a stalker. It's like saying that just because Lenny Kravitz sings "American Woman" it means he is also an "American Woman". It is simply not true, and a bit crazy.
You guys can dislike Clay all you want, but some reasons you guys have are terrible.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 11:54 pm

I hate everything about American Idol. Especially the most recent season.

Diana Degarmo *gag*

Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:23 am

Never actually heard him, but I suspect it's not really my style.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:18 pm

Ugh, I can do without him for sure. After I read through some fangirl sites, I think I'm going to vomit.

Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:23 pm

I don't really have anything against him, it's just American Idol that I really dislike. -_-
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