Post subject: Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought (Split @ 10)
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:41 pm
Posts: 2952 Joined: Tue Apr 04, 2006 8:40 am Gender:
National Treasure 2 - I thought it was a great movie, better than the first one. And although some of the parts were a little predictable, they did a great job of adding in some surprises in there.
Post subject: Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought (Split @ 10)
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:00 am
Posts: 2146 Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:25 am Location: HOT DANG!! Gender:
Helena wrote:
*fends Ella off with a stick of asparagus*
*looks at asparagus* Oh hey thanks! *takes asparagus*
that's the perfect snack for watching Balls Of Fury. Why you ask? Well I'll explain right here: Ok now if you really enjoy spoof movies like the Scary Movie Franchise, Epic Movie and such, then you will most likely enjoy this movie too. I mean it has the idiotic acting the stupid scenes which will make you laugh simply because they are that much of an idiot aswell as really unfit guys in shorts. What I did like about this movie when I did more research on it, was the fact that all the actors actually DID go and train in ping pong even though 3/4 of the scenes in the move were CGI. Like I said if you just want to go see an idiot movie where you can all laugh and throw popcorn at the screen then Balls of Fury isht for you!
I Am Legend Now I have a number of points good and bad for this movie...this was the sort of movie that would really make think about it for hours after even watching it. Since I have yet to read the book I cant really compare the two, but I am already searching for it....
Well one thing I didnt really understand was when he was searching for his dog after it went running into that building after the deer. You see Will Smith point the light at the infected humans, and they just keep standing there. why???? ?_? I do admit that when it came to the scene where he finds the newly furnished nursery, I cried and cried so bad. That too and also when the dog, Sam, became infected, I just serious let the tears pour. One thing that really got me though was when he was talking to the didnt take me that long to understand what he was doing when he did talk to them but it was when he shot I think it was "fred", and then went to talk to the other mannequin in the store that really made tear up once again. Now last point, but near the end when they all get into the lab, the infected human/leader is trying to break down the glass for so long that it seemed like a cycle. Shot of Will Smith, Shot of Zombie, Back to Will Smith, OH HEY a kid, Will Smith, Zombie, etc. That sort of annoyed me....why? Cuase I have stupid et peeves like that.......
All in all it was quite a good movie, it had some incredible depth to it, but to me it lacked the action that I was looking for aswell as some answers to questions it posed.
One thing I can say though is that for all you girls out there I advise you to wear waterproof mascara for this movie.
Post subject: Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought (Split @ 10)
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 6:59 pm
Posts: 1709 Joined: Sun Sep 30, 2007 12:15 pm Location: Wherever there are lulz.
ellamcumber wrote:
One thing I can say though is that for all you girls out there I advise you to wear waterproof mascara for this movie.
*tries to quote without reading spoiler* Why waterproof mascara...? I don't even own mascara, let alone waterproof @_@ *ish not good with makeups* I know guys who use makeup more than me o_0
Post subject: Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought (Split @ 10)
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:35 am
Posts: 2146 Joined: Tue Feb 27, 2007 10:25 am Location: HOT DANG!! Gender:
Helena wrote:
ellamcumber wrote:
One thing I can say though is that for all you girls out there I advise you to wear waterproof mascara for this movie.
*tries to quote without reading spoiler* Why waterproof mascara...? I don't even own mascara, let alone waterproof @_@ *ish not good with makeups* I know guys who use makeup more than me o_0
waterproof cause you dont want to look horrid when you walk out of the movies and have been crying your mascara off.
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