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Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:39 am

Miyu wrote:From the previews, I though Lars and the Real Girl would be much more comedic. However, it wasn't disappointing.

10,000 BC
I liked it. I was kind of waffly about it, since the only review I'd heard in regards to it, were from relatives - and they aren't very trust worthy.

Kung Fu Hustle was awesome!

Wasn't a big fan of 10,000 BC. A little too... "fake".

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:53 pm

shapu wrote:Thank goodness someone else likes "The Island." I really enjoyed that movie, and I simply cannot understand why it did so poorly.

I liked it, too. Although a large part of that might have been because there was Ewan.

Oh, Ewan.

Watched Night at the Museum when it premiered on free-to-air recently, I thought it was hilarious. Have to go find the sequel, now. :D
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