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Fanfics which made you cry

Wed Oct 20, 2004 4:13 am

I mostly read LOTR fanfic, so just about everything here is gonna be LOTRish, I think.

I forget what it's called, but it's about Faramir's death from Boromir's POV. Yes, you read that right!

I also forget what it's called, but something from Eomund's POV the night before he dies.

An Act Of Desperation (excellent Eowynfic, the best I've ever seen, accessible on Almost all chapters made me cry.

Forget the name -- Maybe A Rohan Conspiracy, but then again that could be the one where Eowyn's captured. It's an AU in which Eomer is captured by bandits who want total control of Rohan.

Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:56 pm

I haven't read any which made me cry, but there's a couple of them that made me feel sad.

Specifically, HP ones by Lissanne and Lori.

Wed Oct 20, 2004 2:25 pm

I haven't read any fanfictions that have mad me sad or cry yet.

Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:17 am

I've read a lot of Harry Potter fanfiction. Something just draws me to it... lol. Something.

Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:19 am

I'm a Harry Potter fanfic addict. I haven't actually read any fanfiction that's made me cry, but I must say, 'After the End' had me quite teary-eyed at parts. I can't link to it, as it's rated R, but it's rather famous in the HP fandom, and can be found on the Sugar Quill (.net).


Wed Oct 27, 2004 8:15 am

A DBZ one where everyone tries to give Trunks a haircut.

That was sad for an entirely different reason.

Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:09 am

162 wrote:A DBZ one where everyone tries to give Trunks a haircut.

That was sad for an entirely different reason.
Ouch, can't see that happening. Trunks would probably chop 'em up. :P

Thu Oct 28, 2004 9:46 am

...Alex wrote:I'm a Harry Potter fanfic addict. I haven't actually read any fanfiction that's made me cry, but I must say, 'After the End' had me quite teary-eyed at parts. I can't link to it, as it's rated R, but it's rather famous in the HP fandom, and can be found on the Sugar Quill (.net).


Lemme guess. R/Hr?

Fri Oct 29, 2004 1:10 am

Alex wrote:
...Alex wrote:I'm a Harry Potter fanfic addict. I haven't actually read any fanfiction that's made me cry, but I must say, 'After the End' had me quite teary-eyed at parts. I can't link to it, as it's rated R, but it's rather famous in the HP fandom, and can be found on the Sugar Quill (.net).


Lemme guess. R/Hr?

H/G, too. ^_^

What Good Ship and Orange Crush shipper would I be if I didn't love the ship's fics? :P

Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:49 am

...Alex wrote:
Alex wrote:
...Alex wrote:I'm a Harry Potter fanfic addict. I haven't actually read any fanfiction that's made me cry, but I must say, 'After the End' had me quite teary-eyed at parts. I can't link to it, as it's rated R, but it's rather famous in the HP fandom, and can be found on the Sugar Quill (.net).


Lemme guess. R/Hr?

H/G, too. ^_^

What Good Ship and Orange Crush shipper would I be if I didn't love the ship's fics? :P

I read the first two chapters recently and honestly have no idea what made AtE famous. Bleh. I don't like how people seem to think that H/G is the next logical step to R/Hr, but it's not as if H/G is inherently squicky. In fact, it's probably more likely than H/L, but a) Shi-obsessive as I am, I do want H/L and b) I abhor logical fallacies other than "slippery slope."

Anyway, the remarkably untimeworn When the World was Mine and That, Indeed, is Black's Story by JK Ashavah made me cry.

Also, <a href="">Shifts by Fernwithy[/i]</a> doesn't make me cry, but does choke me up in a lot of places. It does take place over the OotP school year, though, and it's only in December yet...

</shameless plug>
</assuming everyone on this thread has read Harry Potter>[/url]
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