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Dispicable Me copyed off of Avan Roo?

Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:12 pm

There is a character in this movie that I sware reminds me of the Neopets Avan Roo.

Anyway, I went to see A Christmas Carol and that was really good. This was a preview that played before A Christmas Carol. And when I saw the guy in the orange jump suit I thought "What the heck, that looks familiar."

But maybe Alvan Roo is just a copy of some other nerd in an orange jump suit. But I need to know who is the original nerd in an orange jump suit because I'm not getting if there is a real world parody of someone who really exists here. Or at least someone who is thought to exist. Whatever these nerds in orange are supposed to represent, I don't get the reference.

Re: Dispicable Me copyed off of Avan Roo?

Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:34 pm

Sorry, the video didn't work. I watched one on youtube but didn't see an orange jumpsuit, and the official site wanted me to download quicktime. A picture would be helpful. (Same for Alvan Roo.)

Barring that, though, there are a couple of nerds-in-orange-jumpsuits I can think of. The first is Naruto, which started in 1997. I vaguely remember the suits in Back to the Future being orange, too... And I also have other vague recollections of orange jumpsuits on 80s nerds. So I'm guessing Alvan is a parody of one of those.

Re: Dispicable Me copyed off of Avan Roo?

Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:09 am

Here is the Trailer I saw.

Re: Dispicable Me copyed off of Avan Roo?

Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:46 pm

It's not very Naruto-esque. I can't find Avan/Alvan Roo pics via google, either though, so I still can't make a comparison.

Re: Dispicable Me copyed off of Avan Roo?

Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:39 am

Siniri wrote:Sorry, the video didn't work. I watched one on youtube but didn't see an orange jumpsuit, and the official site wanted me to download quicktime. A picture would be helpful. (Same for Alvan Roo.)

Aristotle A. Avinroo (a.k.a. The Games Master)

Despicable Me:

Re: Dispicable Me copyed off of Alvin Roo?

Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:38 pm

Yeah, They do look the same to me. Vector has the silly orange jump suit with white collar and white shoes. And he is into gaming and has the spacey decorations in his house.

I am sure that both Alvinroo and Vector are a parody of someone who exists or at least someone who is rumored to dress like this.

Maybe Bill Gates?

I don't know who it is supposed to be. Probably some computer techies out there might know who is thought to dress like this or have a room like this.
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