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Ugly Betty

Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:04 am

Has anyone heard of this show? It's basically the "Devil Wears Prada", comedic drama version. It's based on an old Spanish sitcom about the same thing, not on the movie "Devil Wears Prada".

I think it's a wonderful show; I love the actors, and the message they send out. You don't need to be super thin to be considered beautiful, very nice. Anyone else like it? I'm hooked.

Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:17 am

It's a fun show, certainly with quality, and certainly not girly as I originally thought. However, it runs over the Office (and Survivor, which I don't watch anymore). If I decide to drop Grey's Anatomy- on notice (tm Colbert) for being too soapy lately- I'll make sure to catch the second airing.

But for now, I'm just watching it before the Office and during Office commercial breaks.

Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:36 pm

I don't watch it when it's on because The Office is on at the same time, and there is no way I'm missing it for this show. However, ABC streams them online (the second episode should be up soon). I checked out the pilot and it has a lot of promise!

^ Premiere

Sat Oct 07, 2006 9:02 pm

I really like the show. I don't really like the generic comedies out there these days, but I think this show is very fresh and funny.

I plan to keep it on my viewing schedule.

BTW, Betty is awwesome!

Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:51 am

I do believe they also re-air the episodes on Lifetime. As that's how we saw the pilot episode :)

I really like this show. I like how the son/boss changed his total idea about Betty when he realized that she was intelligent and could help the company, ignoring all the rude comments and stares.

Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:29 pm

I love this show. :D I've been anticipating it, and I was hooked from the pilot. (The Pilot was sad :().

Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:36 pm

____amanda wrote:I do believe they also re-air the episodes on Lifetime. As that's how we saw the pilot episode :)

They reaired the pilot on ABC Family. I don't know if they are going to do that with the other episodes though.

Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:57 am

Fzun & I watched together. We felt so pretty. Poor ugly ugly Betty.

Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:11 pm

This the one Ashley Jensen is in?

Tue Oct 10, 2006 5:36 pm

This show was great, I hope it sticks around :)

Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:34 am

I actually watched the first ever version of this. Betty la Fea was a Colombian soap opera, who was written/produced by the creator of another major sopa, 'Cafe Con Aroma de Mujer, it was the highest rated/watched sopa opera in the history of Columbia, I think. It was so succesful that they tried doing a sequal/spin off of it, but it faired miserably. Soon different versions of it starting appearing all over the world and were hits as well, the latest verion of these was the Mexican version, whic hfar more comedic than the original it still got the message across.

This version is really well done. I loved it, I though it would be much more Americanized than it is, and by that I mean, much more censored and what not. However many thigns were changed, for example, in the original Betty's mom is alive, she has no sister, she has a best friend who is the male version of her and is madly in love with Amanda's character, and he also helps out Betty in a huge way later on in the story.

There is no Wilhelmina in the original, her character, I would think, is the equivalent to Daniel's faince's brother in the original version. His fiance is friends with Amanda's equivalent in the original, and their gay best friend is the Designer/Fashion editor of the magazine instead of Wilhelmina's assistant.

Betty's friends consisted of six or five others, I can't really remember at this moment, but they all had their own problems which added to the drama. There was also a guard and a arrond man which aren't included in this version.

Daniel doesn't have a best friend in this version either, who is the person who makes Daniel seduc... Nervermind... But it's much more complicated in the original version, and that's why I loved it.

Also in the original 'Mode' was actually a fashion house, 'EcoModa'.

We'll just have to see what happens in this version, if any of you want to know what happens ask, or PM me lol.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:30 pm

Neat information NeoPet_online; I knew it was based on a Colombian show, but didn't know they had changed so much.

However, one thing in this version is confusing me, why is Betty back with Walter? Didn't she keep saying in the last few episodes, "He cheated on me!", than how did they get back together? I'm confused.

Fri Oct 27, 2006 10:24 pm

Ammer wrote:Neat information NeoPet_online; I knew it was based on a Colombian show, but didn't know they had changed so much.

However, one thing in this version is confusing me, why is Betty back with Walter? Didn't she keep saying in the last few episodes, "He cheated on me!", than how did they get back together? I'm confused.

In one of the episodes, I think it was the third, Walter did a very romantic gesture for Betty by singing her a song from her favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast.

Sat Oct 28, 2006 6:16 am

WIS wrote:
Ammer wrote:Neat information NeoPet_online; I knew it was based on a Colombian show, but didn't know they had changed so much.

However, one thing in this version is confusing me, why is Betty back with Walter? Didn't she keep saying in the last few episodes, "He cheated on me!", than how did they get back together? I'm confused.

In one of the episodes, I think it was the third, Walter did a very romantic gesture for Betty by singing her a song from her favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast.

I remember that, but I must've forgotten while watching this week's episode.

It was the episode before this one where he sang to her. It's clearer now, thanks WIS.

Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:10 pm

I think Betty needs to just get rid of Walter. He sucks up far too much and he's already proven that if some better looking girl looks his way, he'd drop her like a pancake. Henry is oh-so-much better than him, I mean, he took out for sushi. He rules. :>
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