The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Tue May 01, 2007 10:48 pm

Ahem - I could hardly sleep after last nights episode. I rather liked the dark characters everyone portrayed and almost teared at how Hiro had become who he was because of Ando. But regarding the whole Sylar killing Claire deal, I think the only reason he couldn't kill Peter was due to the fact that he has far more powers than Claire does. Claire only has the ability to heal herself, which is inhibited whenever there is something lodged into her neck, skull, head area. But Peter can move things with his mind, become invisble, heal himself, etc etc.

And then with Sylar/Nathan supposedly going to commit genocide on all of the people who have powers; I doubt he was going to actually just put them all to waste. He would no doubtedly weed out the people with the best powers, take them from them, then dispose of the rest. He seems like the type that would one day spontaneously combust due to the pressure in his brain, don't y'think? :roll:

Tue May 01, 2007 11:14 pm

I have never seen a single episode until last night, and let me tell you, I had no idea what I was missing.

That's the last time I judge a show based on the little that I know about it! Ahh, Heroes is so great! Too bad I had to wait until the end of the season to start enjoying it.

Tue May 01, 2007 11:56 pm

Moogum wrote:
Ammer wrote:
But now that PresentHiro knows that he has to kill Sylar, he can do so, thus the horrible future will not come to happen.

He doesn't know however, that he has to kill Peter.

Wed May 02, 2007 1:26 am

Moogum wrote:
Ammer wrote:Thanks Yoshi for that, I didn't notice any mention of Linderman in this episode.

Oh, another question, if Claire wasn't killed by Sylar as everyone thought she was, why wasn't Hiro successful in killing him? Because he said Claire's power was taken by Sylar yet Claire was still alive in that future. The only time Sylar had her power was near the end and that was because he tracked her down and killed her.

Oh Ammer, time travel is very confusing. I will attempt to help clarify it for you, if I understand what you are concerned about.

Here's how time would have worked out, had nothing extraordinary happened.

Sylar killed Claire at Homecoming, therefore PresentHiro couldn't kill him after the explosion, therefore the horrible future happened. In that horrible future, Claire was dead, and FutureHiro thought that by goinb back in time and saving Claire, PresentHiro would be able to kill Sylar and stop the horrible future. So FutureHiro went back in time, said "Save the Cheerleader, save the world", and then went back to the Future.

This caused Peter to saved Claire in the present, but PresentHiro never knew about that and therefore FutureHiro wouldn't know about it, either. That's how Claire was alive in the future in last nights episode. Obviously, even with Claire saved, PresentHiro did not kill Sylar, so the horrible future still happened. That's why FutureHiro was confused.

But now that PresentHiro knows that he has to kill Sylar, he can do so, thus the horrible future will not come to happen.

Hope that answers your confusion. However, then we get into the whole drama-that-is-time-travel: If you travel to the past to stop the future, then you'll never be in the future to travel to the past to stop the future.... ugh. Luckily Heroes is an awesome show. I try to avoid time-travel issues as much as humanly possible.

I would like to say I'm not confused anymore, but I still am.

However, you did lift some of the confusion, and like you, I think I'll just ignore this time travel business altogether!

Wed May 02, 2007 2:58 am

Ammer wrote:But I don't know who this Molly chick is, I think I'm in some sort of alternate universe because I've never seen her. Or maybe I have but forgot.

And who is Candice? Why don't I know this name?

We're assuming that Molly is the little girl at the beginning of the series that Matt found. Her father and mother were killed by Sylar (the father was frozen).

And Candice is the one who create illusions and make people think they're talking to one person when they're talking to her (when Simone came back from the dead, that was Candice).

And Moogum, I wasn't confused before, but that completely confused me so I'm going to try and forget I read that. :P

Meh, 3 episodes left and then it'll be on another looong break.

Wed May 02, 2007 5:20 am

Haha sorry. I would like to blame the confusing-ness on the fact that time travel is confusing by nature, and not on the fact that I am horrible at explaining things...

He doesn't know however, that he has to kill Peter.

When did they reveal this?

I took it more as Peter was the one that really exploded, but Hiro needed to kill Sylar anyway because Sylar would take advantage of the explosion to take over the country.

Wed May 02, 2007 6:51 am

Moogum wrote:Haha sorry. I would like to blame the confusing-ness on the fact that time travel is confusing by nature, and not on the fact that I am horrible at explaining things...

He doesn't know however, that he has to kill Peter.

When did they reveal this?

I took it more as Peter was the one that really exploded, but Hiro needed to kill Sylar anyway because Sylar would take advantage of the explosion to take over the country.

It's only logical that he really has to kill Peter. Hiros goal is really to save Ando. Thus kill Peter. And Sylar. and Ted too.

Wed May 02, 2007 6:46 pm

Moogum wrote:Haha sorry. I would like to blame the confusing-ness on the fact that time travel is confusing by nature, and not on the fact that I am horrible at explaining things...

He doesn't know however, that he has to kill Peter.

When did they reveal this?

I took it more as Peter was the one that really exploded, but Hiro needed to kill Sylar anyway because Sylar would take advantage of the explosion to take over the country.

Future Hiro thinks he needs to kill Sylar to stop the explosion, little does he know that Peter is the one that explodes. I understood that Peter and Sylar had an understanding that Sylar would take the blame for the explosion, and Peter would leave Sylar alone. Peter didn't know that Sylar had killed Nathan and impersonated him.

Best episode yet!

Wed May 02, 2007 11:12 pm

I thought that Hiro had to kill Sylar AFTER the explosion.

I wish I could watch the episode again.

Thu May 03, 2007 2:15 am

Moogum wrote:I thought that Hiro had to kill Sylar AFTER the explosion.

I wish I could watch the episode again.

Well without Claires regenerate ability he would be dead if he had exploded. Hence the reason why Peter is still alive..

Thu May 03, 2007 9:52 pm

So kill Claire and then Sylar, problem solved :D

Tue May 08, 2007 2:15 am

The creepy factor of this episode is off the charts.

My initial reaction to Sylar going over to his mom's apartment was that he had a mom. :P I knew that he wouldn't leave the apartment and not kill her, but it was still shocking when he did it. And then when he painted with her blood... And also, when he said he was scared, I thought that there was a little piece of good left in him, but now, definitely not.

And Molly has the most powerful ability of any of the heroes, because she's basically a human cerebro. I wonder if Sylar knew she had that power, or if he just wanted whatever power she had. And that's interesting how Mohinder was the cure for the virus she had and the virus his sister had. At least he figured it out before she died too.

Sooo we have 3 people who might be the bomb: Sylar, Peter, and Ted. All evidence points to Peter, but I don't think it's him. It's too obvious.

2 episodes left, and then we have to wait several weeks AGAIN for the second season to start. :/

Tue May 08, 2007 3:31 am

This episode was creepy, especially with Sylar painting a picture of New York blowing up with his mother's blood. Psycho much?

Mohinder is starting to grow on me; I really disliked him when he started turning his back on the research but now that he's using it to help other's, he's in my good books!

Also, if they KNOW Ted is the problem, why can't they tell him to leave New York? I mean, can't the other heroes stop Julia Roberts' brother?

Penguin wrote:So kill Claire and then Sylar, problem solved :D

Wouldn't killing Sylar solve the problem?

All they need to do is make sure he doesn't get Claire's power and kill him before he attempts on taking it from her.

Tue May 08, 2007 5:12 am

Dragonfire wrote:My initial reaction to Sylar going over to his mom's apartment was that he had a mom. :P

You were thinking some sort of pod situation too, eh? :P

That was pretty cool. Too bad about Hiro's sword, but that was obvious once Sylar started freezing it. He'll find a way to reforge it or something else to fix the blade. Heck, Wolvie got his Adamantium back too eventually.

I think the bomber is either Ted (tricked into doing it by Linderman or something like that) or Sylar. Sylar would do it so he could engineer the scenario where he becomes president of the future.

I don't think Molly is as great as she seems. A human version of Cerebro is nice, but it was more than obvious that her powers would be abused. Hiro is still the most powerful for the obvious reasons.

Definitely coming down to the wire. Definitely going to end in a cliffhanger.

Tue May 08, 2007 9:25 am

Nathan Petrelli dies?! OMG...
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