The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:18 am

Just so everyone knows, on Saturday night at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central NBC will be showing the last 3 episodes of Heroes, so everyone can have a refresher of what happened before the new episodes return on Monday.

I can't wait, I've been wanting this show to return so badly.

Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:29 am

Dragonfire wrote:Just so everyone knows, on Saturday night at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central NBC will be showing the last 3 episodes of Heroes, so everyone can have a refresher of what happened before the new episodes return on Monday.

I can't wait, I've been wanting this show to return so badly.

Wait, the last 3? Are you serious? You mean the last three episodes before Monday's?


Because of University, I missed the last three episodes of "Heroes" and I am so happy I can watch them back on television! Yes, life makes sense again.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:28 am

You guys know you you can watch them on right?

Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:28 am

Penguin wrote:You guys know you you can watch them on right?

I'm pretty sure you can't if you're outside of the U.S. because of the copyright laws.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 12:16 pm

Arr!. *sails around in a circle*.

Can't wait.

Sat Apr 21, 2007 5:34 pm

Hil wrote:
Penguin wrote:You guys know you you can watch them on right?

I'm pretty sure you can't if you're outside of the U.S. because of the copyright laws.

Indeed, that is the case for me.

Sun Apr 22, 2007 3:03 am

I was afraid I wasn't going to be into this show as much anymore because of this long break, but after I watched these last episodes that feeling went away. :P

Anyways, the sneak peeks for the episode on Monday were great. And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Nathan goes ahead and lets Peter go nuclear so he could become president.

And then in the regular preview, I saw Peter kiss Nikki/Jessica. o___O This is becoming a very complex love triangle.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:25 pm

Okay, so I'm finally caught up on all the episodes and "Wow" is all I have to say!

I'm so psyched for the return tonight, and I hope to God Peter didn't really die!

Btw, Claire looks really nice with brown hair.

Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:44 pm

I'm so excited for Heroes to finally be back. The previews shown during the mini marathon were awesome. I'm afraid for Peter...he's been growing on me in the last couple episodes.

Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:23 am

It's baaaaaack.

Very exciting. And, seriously, being Canadian rocks. Lost and Heroes an hour before everyone else? Sweet :D

As soon as the glass shard hit Peter in the back of the head, I knew he was going to die and come back as soon as Claire removed it.
Anyone else think that Mrs. Petrelli has powers? She's a very intriguing character. How does she know what she knows?
Linderman is cool, if a bit twisted. I want to know what his powers actually are. Is he limited to plant life or what? I doubt it... that's not really the most amazing power.
I like how Matt's powers are limited to just hearing as opposed to two-way telepathic communication. Full telepaths can end up being boring.
And finally, WOAH! Isaac actually dies, and future Hiro returns. Next week should be interesting, but I hope they don't spend TOO much time in the future world. One episode would be good enough. Time travel is confusing.

Tue Apr 24, 2007 2:05 am

Yes! This episode was great! I also knew Peter was going to un-die when Claire pulled out the shard. Buut at the same time I thought that Nathan would take him to Linderman, since Linderman has healing powers. And man, I had a feeling Linderman would have some kind of power. And you know what? Now it makes sense why he was able to talk alone with Nathan without fearing that he would get shot; he could just heal himself.

I think Mrs. Petrelli has some kind of power. I think she kinda has to have a power since both her sons have a power.

Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:11 am

Liking Mr B more.

This is getting pretty interesting and quite complex.

The Linderman parts are reminding me of The Watchmen. Those that know the comics can see where I am going with that thought. Don't want to ruin either series with the spoilers. Even if this isn't Watchmen in the end, check out the comics anyway. Great story.

Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:27 am

Moogum wrote:Anyone else think that Mrs. Petrelli has powers? She's a very intriguing character. How does she know what she knows?

I think she does, because when Claire asked her, she ignored it. Which always means "Yes, I do".

This episode was pretty cool, and I was a little freaked out at Suresh being pinned to the roof of his apartment with blood dripping from him. That was disgusting.

But about the future thing, do all of them end up in the future or is it Hiro and Ando meeting future versions of these characters?

Tue Apr 24, 2007 6:07 am

I think we can see the new edition of 9th Wonders coming into play, after some of what Isaac said before Sylar got to him. That's the impression I got anyway.

And Linderman can heal any living thing. He has some backstory in the online novels released during the break in episodes.
Seems he and Nathan & Peter's father were War Buddies. And it looks like he's going to rig the election.

Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:59 am

Its just Hiro and Ando meeting future version of everyone thats alive.

Mrs Petrelli has to have a power.

Does Linderman want Mikah to fix the election with his power? Thats the impression I got.

too little Hiro this week but lots of super cool Hiro next week!
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