That's right, after a long, long, long break from entering my Neopets in the terrifyingly fierce battle known as the Beauty Contest, I decided to take another shot at it. This time with Eifro, who has been defeated more times than he can count (though he can only count up to 3 without being confused). But this time will be different! Oh yes it will!
There's the big image. I sketched it back in July and colored it like a week ago. Ignore the fact his wings are at wierd angles towards his body. He's in a funky pose, use your imagination. XP
SO, unless you want a big scary anthro Shoyru with a girly haircut to beat you down along with a short girl who spends too much time on the 'net, I highly suggest you vote. And get your friends to vote. And their friends. And your guild while your at it, too.
Vote vote vote!