And here is a list of items needed:
A Starry Pteri Night
Baby Pteri Plushie
Christmas Pteri Morphing Potion
Cloud Pteri Morphing Potion
Feathered Pteri Cloak
Fire Pteri Morhing Potion
Full Pteri Armour
Heroic Pteri Tales
Magical Blue Pteri Plushie
Magical Green Pteri Plushie
Magical Red Pteri Plushie
Magical Yellow Pteri Plushie
Pink Pteri Plushie
Pteri Battle Whistle
Pteri Blocks
Pteri Cart
Pteri Dagger
Pteri Egg Shot
Pteri Jacks
Pteri Pop-Up Book
Pteri Sword
Pteri Throwing Feathers
Pull Along Blue Pteri Toy
Purple Pteri Plushie
Purple Pteri Morphing Potion
Rainbow Pteri Plushie
Rainbow Pteri (TCG)
Rainbow Pteri Feather
Speckled Pteri Plushie
Spotted Pteri Morphing Potion
Starry Pteri Morphing Potion
Wings of Steel
Yellow Pteri Morphing Potion
And in I some how missed.
There's the link to the gallery I've been often pestering on this board in search of more items for filling it with. Tell me if you like it, hate it, or what not and if you think I stand a chance at the Gallery Spotlight. Thanks!
Pteri Sage!
Edit:Ornate Pteri Sash was bought by me.. another crummy item.
Last edited by
Pteri Sage on Thu Nov 25, 2004 7:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.