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items/pets i need to borrow (avvie things)

Fri Oct 22, 2004 9:41 pm

items i need to borrow: meowclops, drackonack, mootix, Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG), Tiki Armour, Chokato (TCG), icy snowflake, faerie queen doll, and Niten Hiroru

pets i need to borrow: coconut jubjub, werelupe, any grey pet, orange grundo, and island quiggle

First of all, please don't double post a thread that is identical. Second of all, this post goes in the Avatar Help thread, as I told you in the other thread.

Re: items/pets i need to borrow (avvie things)

Fri Oct 22, 2004 11:11 pm

lil_flyp wrote:items i need to borrow: meowclops, drackonack, mootix, Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie (TCG), Tiki Armour, Chokato (TCG), icy snowflake, faerie queen doll, and Niten Hiroru

pets i need to borrow: coconut jubjub, werelupe, any grey pet, orange grundo, and island quiggle

Well I might be able to help you there...possibly, it depends.
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