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Foil Slorg Stamp and other things in trades!!!

Tue Sep 21, 2004 6:30 pm

Well, I've decided to sell my gallery items. All the bajillions of Slime items I had. But most of them, least a good sum, is going to my friend Queen who has a Slorg Gallery. I've already sold just about all my slime related items and the link below is all I have left. ... ring=whta1

There is a link. The Foil Slorg Stamp is 2.8 Mil or 3 Mil in Battle Weapons. I'm very negoatiable. All my Sludgy's are painted and profitable for you in a resale, and I have a couple of Snot items for cheap, and profitable resale.

Ok, please take these fellows off my hands. I'm willing to go slightly lower on all my items for PPT users cause I'm nice ;) lol.
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