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Avatar Guild!

Wed Aug 18, 2004 7:22 pm

Hey! If you are looking for a great guild to join. join the avatar help guild, at the moment there isnt much but we do everything we can to get the avatar, like we just got a meowclops to pass around the guild for that one. also the fire paw and a few others. if you are interested in joining here is the link we would like all who can also help get us some other. Thanks for all those join and thanks for just checking out this post. Oh one more thing there is ONE spot left on the council.
please post if u are even considering joining, u dont have to but maybe u are thinking about it. thanks alot. this guild has alot planned but we need more members, please consider thanks
we are slowly getting more members, only a few more and things are going to fall into place. I hope that u would consider joining. Thx

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sry about all that
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