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Tips for a newbie Restocker? Please?

Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:11 am

I'm a newbie Restocker, although I have 41 months of Neopets under my belt. I recently upgraded to 512/128 DSL and was wondering about restocking. Could anyone give me any hints, tips or just plain help about this? Feel free to PM me about it if you don't want to reply, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've tried hanging around the toy store, but I can't seem to get anything there. I can be online from anywhere between 5PM and 7AM NST.

Thankyou in advance for any help!

Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:50 pm

Well you can always restock at night time, its usually when all the neopets players are asleep. :> And you must know the items where you are restocking at or else you'd be losing NP when you sell it. Be sure to have the shop wizard at your side and check it if your unsure what the price of the amount is.

And with DSL, you shouldn't do so bad. I restock sometimes...perhaps if I wasn't with dial up, maybe I can restock better.

A good choice of a place to restock at is most bookstores. Each purchase makes some profit as long as your good at haggling. :D

Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:24 am

Stay away from the Neopia Central shops, since everyone is drawn there first. Try Faerieland shops.

Mon Aug 16, 2004 12:03 pm

- Choose a cathegory of products (toys, weapons, food, ...) to focus on. This way, you will soon be able to discover what is worth and not worth to buy.

- Keep your shop simple: backgrounds and music just slow things down and may cause you to loose customers; also don't upgrade it too much.

- have fun

Mon Aug 16, 2004 10:33 pm

some shops dont restock much, but will always give you a big profit from all, or most items (kaylas potion shop and coin shop to name a few). even better is to restock at night if you can, but that was already mentioned. lastly, when haggling, try to type repeated digits, such as if the asking price was 13978, type in 13333 or 14444 or something, itll save you .8 of a second ;)
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