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Looking to buy 4 Plushie Petpet PBs (not for re-selling)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 9:46 am

Sooo... if you want to sell, do respond. I'll pay in pure, or if you accepts, some ETS.

EDIT: Again, I'm not looking to buy them for re-selling, I really do need 4 of them. Also, if you have less than 4, I could always buy them in smaller amounts. Also also: maybe if someone could SSW some for me, that would be even better.

Re: Looking to buy 4 Plushie Petpet PBs (not for re-selling)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:01 pm

You can't SSW PBs I don't think, it would give premium users to big of an advantage. I'd help of I could though. :D
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