Hi there. As you may have seen in the gloat thread, or in my sig throughout the site, I finally worked with customer service long enough to get my pet into the beauty contest. My signature is linked to my petpage, where I have hosted an image comparing the plain brown yurble to my created tyrannian yurble, which is an unreleased/uncreated color.
Obviously the pic in my sig is reduced quality because it had to be small enough to fit in my sig!!!
Please take a minute to check out the petpage version, and consider, would you have known it was unreleased if I hadn't told you? If you were duped, would you mind voting for my yurble in this week's contest? The images on that petpage are linked, and as you can see you can also go directly to the contest by clicking the HERE link below in my sig.
Thanks everyone!
Last edited by
miz sparrow on Sat Nov 18, 2006 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.