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Kougra Classics

Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:21 am

Hello everyone! I currently need a few quick Neopoints (various reasons), and therefore have decided to sell the book "Kougra Classics". It is a rarity 99 book, and I am willing to go 50,000 NP or more *LOWER* than the others. There are *none* on the Shop Wizard and only three others on the trading post, making this a great investment if you've got the patience to sell.

Please post all inquiries here or make an offer (my username is aero_ziggy, it's in my trades).

Mon Jun 05, 2006 2:53 am

Found one in super shop wiz

_tyrannian_princess_ 1 97,985 NP

Mon Jun 05, 2006 6:52 pm

That must've just been put up, then =). As soon as I got it I checked the Super Shop Wiz and Trades and didn't see very many. Time to adjust the price =)
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