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I must really stink. I still need my ruki to place.

Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:24 am

You don't know how close I am on the verge of giving up the BC, both by the lack of votes and by the lack of passion I have for it. I bombed out last week. I can't get over 30 votes.

Come on it's not that bad of an entry is it? :cry:

24 was the votes I got last week. No advertising whatsoever. Not only that but I'm P/O'ed that twice now I've been beaten out by an edited neopet's background image. :x

If you see varriants of this: ... 0_ruki.gif

that's the neopets background image.

Sat Feb 18, 2006 12:33 am

Are you serious?! That was the picture I was going to vote for if you hadn't entered. I never would have guessed it was a rehashed Neopets image. :x

Your vote has been cast for Tairrena

Good luck this week!

Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:26 am

Well I was awfully down on myself for a while, but I did regroup enough to look at the previous votes of both my pets. It isn't as bad as I thought.

I assumed my chomby didn't place because my ruki didn't place. Well it turns out the chomby placed 2nd with 66 votes. So it's not all bad. You are excused from having to vote for the chomby entry because it already placed with that particular image.

If I do give up the BC it'd be because of a lack of passion. I doubt I'd be gone forever, but maybe just take a break until I feel like being into it again.

Are you serious?! That was the picture I was going to vote for if you hadn't entered. I never would have guessed it was a rehashed Neopets image.

That's why I'm trying to let everyone know. I feel sad more because it is a beautiful image and the unsuspecting voter wouldn't notice unless they happen to browse areas not often accessed. It takes votes away from art that deserves it more. No offense to the neopets artist, it is wonderful, but not meant to be entered in the beauty contest every week under other people's usernames.

Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:55 pm

Don't give up that's really cute. Good luck

Hint: post the link so people can just click to vote.

Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:42 am

The link is in my sig above the picture and below the "please vote" if you click "butterfly ruki", though it won't work this week. As much as I'd like to enter again, I'm thinking of taking a break for other reasons. I may even try to step back from neopets for a while if I can. Don't worry :) I'm still alive and well, even if I may not visit here for a week or more. You can always come to my deviant art gallery to see my art if I don't have stuff up here to show off. ;)

(hint go to my member profile where it shows the website)
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