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Inventory Cleanout Sale!

Thu May 12, 2005 12:59 pm

I've done it again. Everytime I restock an unbuyable, I can't sell it. I just get this strange emotional attachment to it even if it's the most hideous thing in the world. Now that I'm feeding Kads, I really don't have room in my inventory to keep staring at these things. Everything (except my 3 favorites) has to go.

Gallion (x2)
Faellie (x2)
Teemyte (x2)
Magical Blue Tonu Plushie
Asparagus Chia Pop (Sold!)
Electric Fuzzle
Garin Plushie
Captain Scarblade Plushie
Zombom Plushie

Or if you're more of a visual person: ... nnysurfgal

I'm not really into pricing things, just make a reasonable offer and I'll probably be okay with it. (And I'll take 10k or a bit more off if you include a ppt. ;)) Just shoot over a PM or neomail if you're interested in anything. :)

Thu May 12, 2005 5:32 pm

Wow. Thats a cool list. You must be really well off if you can get all of those, and then afford to keep them in your SDB :P I want a Gallion, but I don't have the funds at the moment *pokes war* Good luck selling them.
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