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Freaky Creatures

Sat May 24, 2008 3:51 pm

Hey all,

What are Freaky Creatures?
Freaky Creatures are two things in one. First off, they're a collectable toy. The collectable toys come in two different varieties - the Starter Pack, and Booster Packs. If you're famililar with trading card games - you always get the Starter Pack first, followed by Booster Packs to supplement your game. Freaky Creatures are no different. You buy the Starter Park for $19.99 when the game is released sometime in 2008. What do you get in the Starter Pack? Good question! You get two creatures (in toy form, and the same two creatures in digital form), a 1 Gig USB Flash Drive, and a 30 day free trial to the online game. You then take those digital creatures and care for them online, decorate their room, and battle them with thousands of other players online.

For more information on what Freaky Creatures are, check out:

Join our forums if you're looking for a place to start chatting about them.

Freaky Creatures will be released sometime this year, with Beta in a couple of months!
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