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List of Other Pet Sites??

Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:38 am

Does anyone know the names of other pet game sites that I could check out? I haven't looked at any for several years, and have lost the bookmarks I did have to those sites. ;)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:27 am

Umm... (probably my favorite) (bleh)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:29 am

Gopets and Maplestory.

Ironically, the new ads Neopets has plastered all over its site have been singing the praises of Maplestory. So maybe that's a sign from TPTB.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 5:47 am

Subeta has dressable avatars that does not require flash.
I really enjoy them.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:30 am

Subeta is the only other petsite I play, and it's great. The pet art is gorgeous, the dressable human avatars are actually cool (well-drawn, with a HUGE selection of clothes and accessories), and it's easy to make sp. There aren't any flash games and not many decent games in general, but the avatars, restocking, quests, and collecting (clothing, minions, and anything for galleries or pets' treasure chests) keep most of us busy enough. :)

Edit: Added a link to Neocolours' Subeta colors section, and also, here are a couple of my recent human avatar styles: 1 and 2. :)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:36 am

Nutrinopets (if it is still around, haven't checked yet). Oops, I am so tired I forgot I had checked and yes they are.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:04 am

Cranberry wrote:Subeta is the only other petsite I play, and it's great. The pet art is gorgeous

Wow, you weren't kidding. Those Galactic pets are stunning. I'll have to check out this site.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:09 am

OH wow, those are great looking pets.
*wanders off*
I've been thinking about re-cancelling premium... this could give me the impetus I need.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:21 am

Gumdrops wrote:
Cranberry wrote:Subeta is the only other petsite I play, and it's great. The pet art is gorgeous

Wow, you weren't kidding. Those Galactic pets are stunning. I'll have to check out this site.

Galactic is the newest color. I have a kumos, and she's very pretty.

You can't check the site out right now, as it's down for a DB upgrade, but it should be back up soon. It was a really slow-loading site when I started playing, but recently it's gotten a lot better and rarely lags at all.

When it's back up, you can view profiles without having to log in, so you can see what the place looks like. Mine is here. :)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:53 am

Cranberry, those human avatars are fantastic -- I LOVE them!! I can't wait for the DB upgrade to be completed! I think I'll probably be seeing you over there soon!! :D

Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:17 pm

:D Thanks so much for this list I just self froze because I couldn't stand looking at the travesty of my beloved jetsam. Neo may not have thought my colour was worth preserving but I loved him.

Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:25 pm

SierraRaven wrote:Cranberry, those human avatars are fantastic -- I LOVE them!! I can't wait for the DB upgrade to be completed! I think I'll probably be seeing you over there soon!! :D

Yay! I'd like to see more PPTers over there. A bunch of the Neocolours people play, and it's nice to have the little community of friends on Subeta. Tell me your username when you do sign up (or just buddy request me over there; the name's Cranberry there, too).

The avatars are awesome. Here are a few more: another of me, me trying out different hair, a girl with a chicken on her head, and another girl wearing a popular item, the longcat. There are tons and tons of different clothing items, even ones that turn you into crazy things like centaurs and nagas and mermaids.

(I sound like I work for them or something. I don't! I have just been enjoying Subeta so much more than Neo lately.)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:37 pm

I kind of went off Subeta because I thought Neopets was better. But now I might go back there and put Neopets on the backburner for a while...

Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:46 pm

I've been spending the majority of my online time at Subeta, it's great. I agree with everything Cranberry said about it... Now that Neo has decided to redraw the pets I worked so hard for, I'll probably abandon them altogether, especially since I'm having so much fun working on my Subeta goals. My username is mixtapefiasco if anyone wants to look me up once the site's working again. :)

Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:56 pm

The following site has links to many different types of pet sites, keep scrolling down even after you've gotten through the main set since it's very poorly organized and there are sites like Neopets sprinkled throughout.

Frankly though, the only other site that I've ever been interested enough to sign up for is Subeta, and although it's a lot of fun (especially dressing the avatar) and it's easy to make sPs I still go running back to Neopets every time there's a plot or an event because in the end, it's just a better site.

Feel free to look me up once the Subeta DB is back online though, my username is junepep and I'd be happy to help you get oriented :hug:
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