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Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:47 pm

Go here and click on take the tour.

It looks really cute. Parts of it I like, like that the pets have their own working house and can also wear clothing. I wish neopets would get that.
But I don't really care for the look of the pets, as they are supposed to look like the stuffed animals you buy. You have to buy a stuffed animal to get a pet on the website I think, making some of the retired or rare plushies worth more. It looks like a very cute and kid oriented type of site, so some of you guys might like it or have a younger sibling who might like it.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:14 pm

Haha, I bought my brother and sister a webkin each for Channukah this year. I tried to get them to like Neopets, but I think they're a little too young for it.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 10:00 pm

Webkins is THE fad at my school right now.EVERYBODY in my class thinks it's the best pet site on the internet,exept two of my 4 best friends and I.And you DO need the plushie to play.I'd try it if you didn't.

Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:57 pm

Lol, my sister (she's 9) plays this! I like making fun of her for it, and then I realize I played Neopets. :oops:

They know how to make money off of these people though!
Last edited by Matterbug on Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:43 am

Yeah, it is not a bad marketing ploy at all. I was kind of wondering why Ty Beanie babies never made virtual pets like that. I used to love beanie babies a while back, but then I got into neopets. Still, I used to go to the Ty site and I wondered why they couldn't do virtual pets like that. I think Webkins are really the first to connect the plushies to the site like that. Neopets could do the same thing though.

I'd like it if they did another promotion where you could maybe find a krawk or another limited pet in the store or in a happy meal or box of cereal. Then if you wanted, you could use the code to get your krawk. It would still be really rare to find a krawk though. Probably you would be more likely to get one of the more common pets. Maybe the virutal code would only be on the limited pets, since you can already make the unrestricted pets. It would be cool to have a little bag and you open it, and then suddenly you have a little plushie krawk or some other rare pet. It would say "OOH you fould a rare one. If you want a krawk neopet, use this code!" People who love neopets would probably scramble to McDonalds or some place hoping they might get a rare pet from it.

Or maybe they could release another nice pet, but very very rare, maybe even rarer than a krawk, and you can ONLY get this one from a happy meal or something for a very limited time. It wouldn't have to look awesome, probably it could look like a lump of sludge and people would still want one because it was rare. It would help if it did look awesome though.

Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:07 am

kcharles wrote:Webkins is THE fad at my school right now.EVERYBODY in my class thinks it's the best pet site on the internet,exept two of my 4 best friends and I.And you DO need the plushie to play.I'd try it if you didn't.

The absolute opposite, no one at my school (except for a few people) play Neo. And absolutely no one I know plays Webkinz or any other virtual sites. All they ever do is waste their lives on Myspace. (Myspace may not be a waste of time to you, but they waste their entire lives there)
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