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Mystical Subeta - Looking for a l33t coder.

Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:50 am

Mystical Subeta is the worlds second most popular subeta fansite! (If you want proof im happy to provide. XD) And i dont want that to sound snobbish, its mainly just one of those LYKWOAH-AND-EMPHASIS things.

The reason why im posting about Mystical Subeta here is because we want to become the most popular fansite there is, but for that to happen, we need something. An awesome php coder, that would be able to code things such as an item DB, and such.

And if youre not interested in that, then, you found a subeta fansite with tons of stuff. ^_^

And if you arent a member of subeta, join: now. :D
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