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NTWF (Neopian Times Writer's Forum)

Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:28 pm

I frequent another forum and have been there for over two years. It's really good, full of friendly members, wonderful mods and admins who keep the place up and running, plenty of boards and topics to entertain you and plenty more. I've made a lot of friends over there and I thought it would be absolutely great to let you lot come and take a look. Join if you want, but just take a look first. Obviously, it's a place for writer's and the artistic, but anyone, absolutely anyone, can join up. There's plenty to get involved in even you aren't a writer.

Hope to at least see a few of you there :)

EDIT: Would help more if I put the link here:

Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:05 am

Sounds interesting, do they offer writing critiques?

Fri Apr 01, 2005 4:51 pm

Syrill wrote:Sounds interesting, do they offer writing critiques?

Yeah, there's a board especially for that type of thing.
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