Okay, I 've got a lot of responses to make
Probably not, but I suppose they don't look at homepages too much anyway, since my neopets are still there (pages probably never edited):
If a page is popular, TNT probably do check it out. And all I need is for one person to report my page because they don't like it, and BINGO! I'm in iceland!
I, for one, share the basis of your opinion. I really hope they fix themselves up a bit.
Sure some of the artwork (like the Marquan Meerca) is fantastic, and they've given so much, but broken promises, glitches and unfair freezing overshadow everything.
Oh, and I think you'll be ok with you not being frozen
Yeah, that's true, you can't artgue that a lot of the new art is great, but what I'm not happy about is the fact that some of the artwork dates back to 2000 or earlier! Instead of realeasing mounds of new items almost every day, I think they should work on redrawing som eof the old art. At least some of it.
well, that's quite a petpage. And I do agree with the points made. I did not know there was an automatic glophone d/l now when you make a new account unless you see/know to uncheck the box. That should not be there.
I've seen TV ads for the glophone - not a Neopets commercial, but just a generic glophone one, so I know about that - not that I'd ever d/l the thing.
I wrote a snail mail letter and copied everyone I could get a name for, along with exerpts from boards, etc. with usernames/identifiers removed. I also made the suggestion that a staff member start a new account from home, try to blank their minds and play like a "normal" new person would. I brought up the unfair freezings, the glitches, the lack of a complete T&C (which we still don't have), over-commercialization, loss of confidence and privacy (this was right after the big security glitch in the spring) ...
I wasn't trying to be "negative", I was trying to communicate the frustration players were feeling and giving them examples and suggestions that WE had to help make the site better. This was done politely.
I know of a few other people who have typed things of this nature on their petpages. And I know a couple of them have had their pages cleared, gotten warnings and at least 2 have been frozen. Just to let you know. Any sort of "complaining" (as they see it) or negative/critical comments can get you sent to iceland.
Write letters - real letters if you can, send them. I left my username off. Why? Because I don't want to have to fear that I'll be frozen for having an opinion/constructive critisism.
Why play you may ask if I'm dissatisfied...well I love the game in essence, my pets, the friends I've made (who aren't frozen), the games (when there isn't a glitch that'll get you frozen for cheating when you didn't) ... I'm just one of the many who have seen things deteriorate over time, want to see the site get better and stay around caring for and about the users who have made the site what it is today, not go the way of Pokemon.
Hmmmmm, Snail Mail eh? Not a bad idea. However, sending anything in through that automated response form on the 'contact us' page doesn't seem to do anyhting. Heck, the probably don't even read the comments! Even so, I've sent a whole load of complaints in through it *waits to be frozen*...
I play games every now and then, but if notice one small hiccup (like it slowing down for a seconds, or something that looks weird), I just don't send scores. I mean, I can understand TNT's wishes to stop cheaters, but this is ridiculous!
Neopets, inc. is a company with a big site. Since it is a big site, it is quiet expected that there will be wrong freezing. Nobody is perfect. So, why they don’t fix their mistakes? Well, sometimes they do fix them. Sometimes they simply can’t unfreeze, since there aren’t any proofs that they wrongly froze. If they unfroze anyone that says that he didn’t do anything wrong, then… you can complete this sentence. (:
Glitches are really uncontrollable. DO YOU REALY THINK THEY MAKE GLICHES FOR FUN?! Don’t you believe that if they could return your items, they have done this long ago?!
As for the ice bori, don’t you remember the old job coupons and the old fountain fairy? And most people like cuteness and new features.
Neopets is not none profit organization. Why they should pay to get more servers, that you use them to put a page where you critic them?! Neopets is a business, not a democracy.
(Sorry for my poor English :\).
I know that some wrongly frozen accounts are unfrozen. Heck, a friend of mine was frozen, just becuase her sister got on the computer and started posting gibberish on the boards. But since she had a 36 month old account, they unfroze her. It all depends on which staff member is 'helping' you.
Glitches are unfortunate, but I myslef have tried plenty of online games, and damn it, none of them have this many glitches. But then, neopets is a massive site, so yes, certain glitches are expected.
The old job coupons and sponsor abilities and whatnot were used because Neopets was very small (compared to today). But now with the support of big sponsors like McDonalds and Disney, they should be well and truely rolling with money.
Okay, and just to even things up, I KNOW that there are people who love cuteness, but if TNT wants to get as many people playing as possible, they cant just cater towards the 'cute lovers'. I guess there are a couple of non cute pets, but they're slowly depleting. I mean, look at the LUPE! When I was a New Member, I made my lupe coz it looked cool, tough and unbreakable. Today, if I was a New Member, I would not have made a lupe.
It's true that neopets is a non profitable organisation, but you'd be surprised at how much money they make.
But at the same time I slightly agree with Teh0mega. Like the Ice Bori thing. I really don't like the pop-ups I get in IE from the toolbar. Although, his petpage could have been stated a lot nicer. Some points I also strongly dissagree with, but, state that stuff nicer and send a snail mail to TNT. I'm sure they will take more responce to a kindly stated letter.
I'm also a little fed up with everyone downgrading Pokemon. It did not dissapear from the face of the earth, and I'm not a "little kid". I'm not a teenager, either, but I'm not 5 years old.
I don't mind people disagreeing with me. Heck, I'd be surpirised if anyone didn't diasagree
I guess that a kindly stated letter might actually work, but you see, I typed this page up one night when I was really ticked off. Then I sort of added to it every now and then. That's why it seems so agressive.
And with Pokemon, I know that it still has large fan base, but not as big as it once was. I mean, most teenagers won't go anywhere near anything pokemon related. In my opinion they've gone crazy with the addition of hundreds of new Pokemon, but maybe that's just me. I dunno. I'm just saying the Neopets has the potential to be something so good and so great, yet they waste their time trying to cater towards 8 yr olds. I mean, it is good and great now, but it could be so much better if they put some effort into it!
For now, it just seems to be going downhill.
i can't believe you didn't mention neoschools on that page?
Wow, didn't I add that?
Okay well then I've put in a sentance or two about it. There's not much more I have to say about it anyway.
Thanks for posting it. I am always happy to hear opinion. I love the openess of this board to allow all such things
Yeah, that's why I decided to try out the PPT forums. Less reporters and less chance of getting frozen for simply stating your opinion.
thanks a lot to all these replies. I'll be adding Qanda's comment to my petpage, but first I need to know if you want your name made public. If no, It'll just say -blocked-
And anyone else, if you want your comments added to my petpage, just say the word