To start things off, Pteris can be painted Snow and Ghost at the Rainbow Pool.
The first Pet Spotlight award of the week goes to a Pteri called La11la3la55.
If you stop by the Book Shop you may be able to get hold of one of these new Pteri themed books.
Test your creative skills and hopefully earn yourself a pretty trophy in this week's Story Telling Competition.
"Are we expecting company, Henre?" Safina asked her fellow Usul housemate. "Someone just knocked at the door."
These new items are sure to guarantee your Pteri victory in the Battledome!
Some of you may recognise the star of this new Pteri themed Background as the Rainbow Pteri from the Neopets TCG.
There are lots of new Pteri Shopkeepers for you to choose from.
Pteri fans will love these new Toys! There are four different things to collect including the ever popular Pteri Jacks.
There are some new Pteri themed Poems for you to look at.
Today's Caption Contest features some of the highlights of this year's Pteri Flying Championships.
Make sure you take your Pteri to see Captain Threelegs today. He will be giving FREE training to any Pteri thats stops by.
Kauvara has been busy mixing up some new Pteri Morphing Potions including Starry and Cloud varieties.
You can also download a pretty cool Pterattack themed Screen Saver.
Last, but not by any means least, there are pages and pages of Pteri fan art for you to look at in the Art Gallery.