claudej wrote:
Until 2 weeks ago I used to get quite often (about every other day) a point of Attack from the Kitchen Quest. Since then , none. Mainly cash prizes.
I mainly want to reach 700 of strength. Still 53 to go.
For the last 2 weeks I have been spending more money on quests then if I was using Ferocious Neggs for pushing my attack.
After I reach 700 or so (705), I'll start again using the lab to push my HP. I don't care losing levels. In fact I have a lot tooooo much.
Someone would sell their Ferocious Neggs for 200k ?
Advice anyone (mainly from strong pet owners)...
I don't have a particularly strong pet but:
It just sounds like you're having a crazy streak with kitchen quests. They're a good supliment to regular training if you're careful not to take ones that are too expensive. The quests shouldn't be costing you more than Ferocious Neggs
So even if you start using neggs (can't advise you there) I'd keep trying with the kitchen quests (even if it means you set an extreamly low cealing on what you're willing to spend on them)