28th November
* Today's random theme is Origami Blowout!
* Neopets that like Origami are going to be clamoring to the Toy Shop to get these new toys!
Nice little Spyder...
* Aaa has seen your feable attempts to do well in the Games Master Challenge and is, well not very impressed with the results of this year. Maybe you will do better next year.
* Well done nienkju! You have just won the latest User Lookup of the Week award.
* If your Neopets enjoy crafts they may want to pick up one of these books from the Book Shop.
* tallydepp has just won this week's Gallery Spotlight award thanks to their gallery devoted to trees - TREEmendous.
* Have a little fun by adding some of these new Fun Images to your lookup or petpage!
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Eye of the Storm Play Button. 138 people guessed correctly, earning them 14,493 NP each.
* This delicate Petpet makes a fun companion, but be careful you don't hurt it.
* pokemonmaster652 should be rather pleased with themselves. their level - Wanted Dead has just won this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight award.
* If you decorate your Neohome in with Origami furniture you might not want to invite a lot of large friends over...
* You may want to take a few moments and try our latest sponsor game Wal*Mart: Santa's Sleigh.