OK, I cropped this and it looks icky, I know -- I did it really fast, I can't stay online for long, big storm is coming.
But I read the original screenie and from what I can see, you apparently got the new rule on the hyperlink - having a direct (or indirect - no clicky link on your shop front) linkback to an outside site. Which is not allowed anywhere.
It may not necessarily be the site you used for your music. Unless they have changed the type of music file you're allowed to use or if that site for some reason is banned -- then of course you won't be able to use anything from that site. I do know for awhile anyone who had anything from g-petz had blank lookups, shop backgrounds, blogs, etc. and the url said something like Site Disallowed instead of g-petz. I am glad that got worked out for all the people who do use that site.
For some reason, if you don't have an a href = in your url/music code TNT is reading your code as a hyperlink.
So, basically, the code that's getting you that page is < a href = "http: // members.rogers.com /cewillert/ music/ default. html " > do you have a little thing on your shop front giving credit? < /a > -- at least that's what TNT's filters seem to be seeing. Using the < img src = " url " > you should have no problem with.
I don't know what the full code you tried to use for your music is, but I'm sure you know alot better than me what codes/formats are correct for that. I don't know, maybe look to see if there is an a href or an /a that you didn't notice before?
I use Photobucket for my lookups, etc. and have never had a problem, nor has anyone who uses my lookups or backgrounds with getting a New Rule page. Unless of course the code is wrong. I've done that so many times, added or left one little > or something out. Then I get that New Rule page.