Scream wrote:
Good and bad news, 2 of my friends got hit, one got his account back within 2 weeks, but he didn't get his things back. He sent a form almost everyday when they didn't get back to him).
My other friend is still iced...for harrasment...the hacker must have taken it for a joyride through the chat boards
bubbabubba, I am SO sorry you somehow got caught in that mess. Scream, same for your friends and for anyone affected.
Most the really "famous" players got frozen by TNT to protect their accounts. Most of them got the accounts back - and everything in them, including their pets. Not all though, to be honest.
The rest of the people affected seem to fall into Scream's 2 categories:
got their accounts back but got empty accounts, lost pets, etc. and never got anything back; or
are still! fighting, trying to get their accounts back and of those it seems the majority had someone in them, as Scream aptly put it, taking the account for "joyride" going on the boards saying awful things, trying to run scams, etc. That makes it even harder to get the account back, because then it's not necessarily frozen for falling for a scam, but for scamming or profanity, something that normally will not get an account back
Anyone who got hit during that glitch should get their accounts back, intact. Period. If some of the big players' accounts could be somehow logged and backed up so they got their stuff back so should everyone else, right?
Bubba, keep writing. Don't wait a month in between. You did nothing wrong. I don't know what reason you were given for the freezing, but the fact that this was TNT's security glitch should be taken into consideration.