"And as ransom for your precious Neopia, I want....." *zoom*
billion Neopoints."
(Wait, shouldn't that be Dr. Sloth?)
Anyhow, misquotes and actual figuring of "billion" and humor aside, there's more than one way to define wealth, as so many others in this thread have pointed out. There's investing in pets (painting, training, petpets, lab ray, morphing potions), shops and galleries (it takes NP both to expand them and put things in them), the stock market, etc. Not meaning to brag, and I'm not going to name specifics because I don't want people breaking into my account, but right now I've got a battle item that's worth more than the NP I've got in my bank account. So what are you counting? The pure NP, or the item too?
I would probably have a lot more Neopoints today if I never trained or painted any of my pets. But if I had that NP, guess what I'd do with it?
I've never liked the idea of having NP just to say, "I have such and such amount" or even to collect the interest off of it. Whatever NP I do manage to scrape together, I usually use it to paint a pet. Or buy it books, or a petpet, or anything else that helps define it. But see, THAT is one of the major things in this game that makes me happy, not just having the NP to do so. Does that make any sense?