sorry for not able to draw as nice as you
Notice the area marked with X ? its because they have same "h" which is s/2 (s is the side), and the same area (s*s/7) (explanation : the square area divided by 7 same area).
X = (s*s/7) / (0.5*s/2)
After that we work with AI, trapezoid (border in blue).
AI area = the small triangle area (with border "a") + the 1/7 farm area.
(z+s/2)*s/2*0.5 = s*s/7 + x-s/2 * s/2 * 0.5
replace the variables and we obtain z
then we can obtain "b" by applying the phytagoras theorem to the triangle with green line.
c can be obtained using the phytagoras theorem as well.
I think this way is simpler, since phytagoras is thing that almost remembered by everyone, and I already forget law of cosine
since that was like 6 years ago for me