amarise wrote:
I'm not surprised about the neo being down thing, that seems to happen about once or twice a month. And it was only a matter or time before someone made an ABer that reads the code, I think TNT would have to continuously change the RS system to keep ahead of all the programs. I am surprised that it's public, though. Most ABers don't like to let people in on their secrets.
The Neo down most of the weekend was fun...not! Guilds were down for maintenance and stopped showing up on peoples' lookups, trades went down for awhile too.
I keep hearing there's new ab, but I don't know really anything about them other than what I read here or on the boards. As far as not letting people in on the secret, lately it almost seems like the people making these programs are "bragging" and releasing the ab program to whoever wants it. Of course, the chances of not getting caught and frozen are slim -- as they should be! Then there's the issue of backdoors, keyloggers, etc. that some of these programs seem to have built into them. So not only are people making a cheat program, they're working a nice little scam to get names/passwords or wreck computers.
What else? Well a few people found a "sneaky" code to work around Neo not allowing music on lookups - I wouldn't advise using it. That was disabled for a reason. Plus I get cranky when confronted with music on a webpage (on dial up, usually listening to something I want to hear).
Inflation is, as usual, way up. Everything's getting more and more expensive every day! Even omelettes are up a few np in the last few days.
New avatars - the tuskaninny one is super easy, the pwned one you have to get a species change using the lab ray (still trying for that one, grr), was there another one I'm forgetting? Probably.
Can't think of anything else big at the moment, but then my brain is kind of fried right now. Too much real life stuff going on.