For the love of all that is holy, don't ever double (or in your case, TRIPLE) post! This place is not like the dreaded Neoboards, where conversations disappear into oblivion if they're not "bounced" or whatever in minutes. Time moves just a little slower around here.
Plus, you've spammed two different boards with the same question. Your request at the General Chat area was locked; I assume this one will soon be because of your egregious violation of the rules in pursuit of the answer to a question that could be answered if you acted more patient.
PS: In the General area, you said "YAY IT'S FIXED", so I won't bother to help you out because it's apparently been fixed. But in the future, never, ever double- or triple-post.
Glowing Jellies fed to Yocchan10: 60
Watch this video. DO IT NOW!!