Some fun hats are now on sale at Unis Clothing.
A new page of Poems should keep you entertained for a bit.
Now you can draw this precocious Petpet with the new Puppyblew How to Draw!
*wags invisible tail*
There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Zafara Assassin Collectable Card. 374 people guessed correctly, earning them 5348 NP each.
If you are feeling hungry why not stop by Exquisite Ambrosia for a bite to eat.
33824 Kelp Square, Maraqua is quite the fancy place. debezzzz certainly has the decorator's touch to have won the Neohome Spotlight.
ARRRR... There be pirates in this new Screensaver...
The Plushie Puppyblew named Patches has just won the Petpet Spotlight award!
It looks like some Neopets and Petpet are having a bit of summer fun in the latest Caption Contest.
The Art Gallery is chock full of masterpieces for you to peer at for hours and hours.