To answer your first question about why people belong to guilds. Well, I found that Neo can be quite an isolating game. You play next to people, but you have such limited contact that you never really get to know any of them. Sort of like driving down an expressway, where you see people in other cars, but you are all alone in yours. You know that there is humanity out there, but don't really have any close contact with them. I joined an adult guild two years ago, just so I could have contact with other people, also adults, who were as addicted as I was to the game. And the friends that I made in that guild are the only thing that have kept me playing the game. Many of us since moved to a new guild that I now own (I didn't ask to create it, but it was sort of dropped into my lap). And, we gathered a few friends along the way, even some here from PPT.
And those of us in the guild have gotten to know those people who have shared a bit of themselves with the group--not just their neo lives, but the names of their kids, and the fact that they are moving, or just lost their job, or their house got totalled in the hurricane. And, if you are lucky and stumble upon just the right people in just the right guild (like I did), you start to consider them to be friends. And people start opening up a bit more. Sharing things that they might not tell just anyone. Like about miscarriages, or upcoming divorce, or problems with dealing with their teenage kid. And you wake up wanting to talk to them, to see how their doctor's visit went, or if their baby is feeling better. Some of them I have started to talk to on the phone. One even became a very close friend and we end up talking all of the time and are making plans to visit if a vacation ever rolls around. I know to an outsider it seems like I am a nut. How can a person have friends that they can't see or hear? But, you can. And they can touch your heart. Cheer you up when no one else seems able to. Listen. Offer advice. They are real people with real stories and real lives, just like a person you would meet in the real world. It is sort of like the internet is this whole new form of society and social "rules" about how to act haven't yet caught up yet. And, yes, our guild has the standard perqs--the "activities," the members of the month, pet of the week, a wish gallery loaded with fun items that we pass out to active people once a month, but, to me that is the gravy. The guild board and the sharing of our lives is what makes my guild so successful. And I don't know. Maybe it is an adult thing? Because so many of us are so busy in our own lives that we don't have time to make friends the old-fashioned way anymore or lost touch with them when we moved, had kids, changed jobs.
Now, your second question. I found my guild by seeing a banner in someone's shop. And I took a chance. Most of the new people who have joined my guild came because they buy neggs from me all of the time, so they sort of got to know me. You can also hang out on the boards, particularly the specialty boards, like the plot board or premium board, to see what people are posting. Or ask here on PPT on Bill. Mention your interests and see what kind of response you get.
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