I have been wondering this for weeks and weeks and haven't known where to find the answer and for some reason didn't think of asking it here, where SOMEONE will know the answer because you are all so lovely and great
So here goes.
I have the Neopets Toolbar. It's really useful for my dailies and means I make more NP because I don't forget to do anything. The question is, on most of the dalies, Tombola, shrine, healing springs etc. There is a button AFTER you have completed the daily saying 'Go back to Meridell' or 'Return to the Lost Desert' or 'Cast your Line Again' or 'Leave this place'
I know that to score in underwater fishing the next time, you have to cast your line again.
My question is, in order to score with the dailies, do you have to click the 'return to blah blah' button. I tend to just go back to the toolbar and chose the next in the line, whilst on the screen WITH the button rather than going back to whereever. I want to know whether that is hindering me at all.
I hope this made sense, I have only just got up and the screen still looks a bit fuzzy