burntouttrash wrote:
I don't think there is an 'emo' colour. Being depressed =/= being emo, and vice versa. Kids who want to pretend to be emo and think they have to act miserable all the time are pretty sad, and pretty insulting to people who really do suffer from depression.
Since my stay in the whacky-factory, I had met several friends with depression.
Many of them, were in fact, legit: Too sad to worry about looking 'emo', in fact, too sad to leave their rooms.
Depression isn't always acting miserable, it's moreso trying to hide your sadness, and getting on with your life as much as you can, (and if it effects the way you live your life, then the whacky factory comes into place).
Emo kids make me sick, some of those people I had met in the looney-bin had later killed themselves, or tried to kill themselves. It's not fun, and it's not 'hardcore' or 'scene'.