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Magax: Destroyer

Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:22 pm

I reached a score of 4020 on that game, which would put me in first place. But when i sent the score, it said: "Your score is being reviewed by Neopets, if it is approved you will get neopoints and go in the high score table". This is the first time i've gotten 1st place in any game, has this happened to anyone before?

Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:46 pm

I think if you have a score that's able to place in any post on the High Score table, it reviews it to make sure you didn't cheat. I'm not sure, though. I've never gotten a high score.

Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:01 pm

Aioros, that's common, don't worry. :) Basically all the games on Neopets have a "cut-off score" (which varies by game) that if you score higher than that, your score is reviewed to make sure no cheating was involved. For example, in the game Attack of the Revenge, anytime you score higher than 2000 points, that message you saw pops up.

Usually it only takes a couple of hours for a score to be reviewed, but since this week is a holiday there's probably no one in the office to review your score. So you probably won't see your results show up until sometime Wednesday. When it goes through, you'll get a confirmation via Neomail.

And congratulations, by the way. :)

Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:35 am

Rakumel wrote:Aioros, that's common, don't worry. :) Basically all the games on Neopets have a "cut-off score" (which varies by game) that if you score higher than that, your score is reviewed to make sure no cheating was involved. For example, in the game Attack of the Revenge, anytime you score higher than 2000 points, that message you saw pops up.

Usually it only takes a couple of hours for a score to be reviewed, but since this week is a holiday there's probably no one in the office to review your score. So you probably won't see your results show up until sometime Wednesday. When it goes through, you'll get a confirmation via Neomail.

And congratulations, by the way. :)

Thanks. Well, i tried it again and got a high enough score to be in the top 3. It wasn't as high as my last score, but it's still enough for a gold trophy.
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