However, I was frozen a couple years ago for "cheating on a flash game." It was Volcano Run and the game was buggy. A lot of good players got frozen because of a glitch with the timer -- the game thought we shouldn't be getting the scores we did in the displayed amount of time.
I had no idea that Volcano Run had been previously buggy. Up until 2 years ago, I pretty much lived under a rock when it came to Neopets stuff. Ive always been able to score over 4000 at VR, and a few years ago, I was frozen for cheating at the flash games also. I played very few games then, and Volcano Run was easy NP. I got my account back, but I wonder if it was for the same VR ordeal that affected a lot of other players.
Besides that ordeal, and maybe one warning for a political slip on the boards, Ive never had a TNT run-in in all my 62 months. I do play it safe though and try to keep to myself, and I think its completely okay to be that way with how Neopets enforces their rules. I shouldnt have to block items from non-neofriends, or be worried if I feel like sending a few codestones to newbies, but I like my account too much to lose it because of a stupid misunderstanding.
Just recently on the Altador Cup NeoBoard, people were going insane with worry that TNT was going to freeze everybody who played Round 1 games after midnight NST. It seemed plausible that TNT could freeze people who continued to play, because they had clearly stated in the News that the round ended at midnight. From the users point of view, it could've been a glitch just as easily as it could've not been.
I dont think anyone could forget Dupe Day either, where innocent and unaware users were tricked into spending their savings to get an amazing deal on a Thyoras Tear, only to have TNT turn around and freeze them for trying to resell it instead of realizing their mistake and apologizing in a Trading Post note. Saying that they should've known better doesnt make it any more fair. People were paranoid for a while after that, wondering if that dubloon they just bought might've been duped.
Keeping the users in the dark is what causes a lot of the paranoia. Younger players cant access the boards to find out whats going on that day, and the News rarely has updates about bugs that were fixed, or glitches to avoid while they work on it. Even that CG fiasco went largely unnoticed in the News. People had to get their information from the odd staff member posting in the Premium or BDC NeoBoards. It was nice when the News had more news than Art Gallery pictures, the latest sketch backgrounds, and what's currently available at Limited Too.