Truth be told, Im leaving Neopets and PPT sometime soon. Not now, not yet, so dont worry. Dont start giving goodbyes yet or anything....
... but. I've put together a nice little collection of some of the junk ive had on my computer for all these years, figuring if I'm not using them, you guys might like to see them.... or might have some use for them. So here is a lot of Neopets history or things you just might never have seen before... for you do enjoy and do what you want with them!
I'm still trying to remember exactly what this was. I remember naming this "Tonu", but i dont remember why... it was a fake revamp, or maybe it was the original and eventually turned into what it is now. Either way, it had something to do with Tonus.
This is fairly new, but i think they changed the Punchbag bob picture for a war once.... and this was it.
When they revamped the uni, they posted this on the newspage as a joke, pretending IT was the new uni.
This is a very cool looking island moehog that was used to advertise island pets when they were being voted on... (there was a vote whether people wanted and island paint brush, baby paint brush, or tartan paint brush. they ended up making two of them)
At a time, when mystery island was released, they had a vote to which neopet players wanted to have as an official Mysteryisland neopet... the kougra ran up against this hyena, this coconut, and a wierd buggy neopet.. i lost the bug image, but it is seen in the "bug brothers" random event.
This was another ravamp joke that occured when neopets revamped the Cybunny.
this is... a very ugly shoyru.
This was some sort of Neopet that ran one of the shops in Maraqua, and i think then worked in mystery island for a while... i wouldve liked it as a neopet... oh well!
I THINK this is a picture of the neopets office... if... you are interested.
This is the picture I havent brought out, but im sure many of you have been looking for. This was up on the Neopets Image Server for a grand total of 1 hour when they made the purple grarrl. They uploaded this, probably assuming we would find it, and then immediately changed it. So there you have it... the barney grarrl everybody has mentioned but hasnt been seen since that time!
not sure what this was from, but it's the SAND FAERIE! oooOOooooo.
yeah, this isnt crap drawn by me, by the way. This was the GLASS PAINTBRUSH when it existed. I can see why they got rid of it.... ew.
Neopets all had to come from somewhere... i suppose now they come from a "Create Neopet" button, but back in time they claimed that the neopets hatched from these pretty eggs while you were creating them. Huzzah!
Instead of drawing neopets so their physical features looked like a monster, back in time neopets actually wore costumes... and these two were particularly NOT scary. I saved them because of their...oddness.
This fellow, the apothecary, once ran a shop in the Haunted Woods.... ill leave it up to you to guess what he sold.
just a wierd neocam image.
yeeaah... i guess its a baabaabaa. not sure where this came from.
This was a sweet shoyru that was once a shopkeeper, but was thrown away when they went through the shopkeepers and cleaned it up of old images. It was actually used in the tyrannian plot a few times.. so yeah, its supposed to be a Tyrannian prehistoric dinosaur shoyru...or something.
an old robot acara.
Poor chia....
I guess this was caption contest not going to check if that number is accurate or not, but i remember everybody trying to figure out what the HECK that purple petpet is supposed to be...
These were two of the original 6 petpetpets.... that were then deleted from the servers when they continued with the bug theme.... oh, that chicken... it brings back memories of Magenta... it was her signiture character. *cries*
Santa Sloth Clause
just in case you dont have a picture of the beautiful and talented Doug Dohring
Pictures too big to fit on the forum... so ive linked them.... ... admits.gif
This was a screenshot from our very own forums, back in the day when Adam used to come here. I happened to screenshot THIS post of his because it is the one time he actually ADMITS there is a jelly world! I personally still dont believe it... but this may be the only time you ever see adam admit to it. EVER.
-removed- ... lypile.gif
This was back from the mini-plot, when suddenly every petpet in neopia dissappeared. Nobody knew where there petpets went. Then one day they came back. Now, some wierd people claimed that if you went to this "jelly world" place, you could find an image with all the petpets there... eating the gigantic jelly. I just posted this because its pretty cool, especially since it isnt there anymore, and because it features many petpets that never made the cut and got onto the website. ... lotfin.gif
Not many people had an opportuinty to see this, but at the end of the HannahAndTheIceCaves plot, the final chapter was released, and for about 2 or 3 hours, it featured sloth coming in and transmogrifying Hannah, and his servants turning pets purple with those hideous orange spots! ... per_02.jpg ... per_04.jpg ... per_05.jpg
These were wallpapers for the new Neopets videogame... petpet adventure. You could only get them by "winning" them on the game that was created as a promotion for the game... but this game wasnt on neopets, it was only on the game website. hm. ... el/what the heck.jpg
One day there was a HUGE glitch, and everybody suddenly had mod powers on the Neoboards. Yeah, very VERY scary day on neopets. It lasted for almost half an hour... so if you ever wondered what it looks like for a mod... there you go. ... workon.jpg
This was some cool Neopets artwork.... that grarrl on the right was actually something I drew for the art gallery, and I was in contact with a real neopets artist, who gave me some tips to improve my art if I ever wanted to work for TNT... im not going to persue that, but it's cool that he redrew my picture for me there on the left!
Quiquki Armegeddon
A few years ago, im sure youve heard of the april fools joke when they had a quiggle-themed plot advertised for release.... i saved all the images... not sure if theyve been saved someplace else, but here are all of the pictures from all over the site that day:
Virtupets. The Original
These werent a joke... they were just VERY old.
Ever wonder why the Space Station is really called the Virtupets Space Station? It will all come clear in a moment. The whole thing behind sloth is that he became jealous of NEOPETS and hated them, and wanted to create his own... so instead of neopets, he created Virtupets.... like virtual pets. And since neopets lived on neopia, he had the Virtupets Space Station built, and you could go there to discover the virtupets... it was of course, changed to have nothing to do with virtupets, but im sure it all makes sense now as to why its there and why it has that name. These, my friends, are the Virtupets:
Well, thats all of the pictures I have to share for now. Enjoy!
Runedit: Removed one image that implied something that didn't need to be mentioned on a family site.