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 Post subject: Altador Plot #55 [READ THE FAQ]
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:21 am 
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!! Please make sure all your posts are coherent, and that you have spelled all words to the best of your ability. Also, please try to use correct grammar.

!! PLEASE keep all posts on topic. If you would like to speak to someone personally or offtopic, PM them.
!! PLEASE do NOT post your star data in this thread. If you do, your entire post WILL be deleted. You've been warned. It stretches out the page for everyone, and that's just not cool.

WTFAQS (Way Too Frequently Asked Questions/Statements)

Q: I'm new here! I'm not really sure what to do...
A: First, welcome to the PPT forums! I'd strongly suggest you take a look at our General Chat Rules & Strike Policy and Forum Rules. Or, you can ask a mod for help

S: News is out!
SQ: So... the news is out... Anyone find anything new?
A: Good for you. No need to post this, we allow seperate threads to note the new news. We get the idea. And then read the next one.

Q: Is there a new constellation out?
Q: Do you know when the next constellation comes out?
S: *whine whine whine whine whine whine whine*...
A: Calm down. If there was a new constellation out, you'd see it here. We don't keep secrets. If someone's found it, then you'd be seeing it. Simple as that. Don't post these either.

S: There's no link from the last thread to this thread! HELP!
A: ... Right. Although the mods try and keep the threads linked, its inevitable that we might forget once in a while. Here's a trick. The latest thread is usually on top of the Gen Chat. Go back to Gen Chat and do it yourself. Not that hard!

S: I can't find my constellation! Help!
A: Hm. First of all, have you used the constellation mapper? Have you used the constellation FINDER? Both of these resources are found in the useful links section. If you've answered NO to either of these questions, DO IT before you ask. If you've answered YES to both of these questions, you didn't follow the steps correctly. Do them again REGARDLESS of whether or not you think you've done all the steps. (So really we shouldn't see any of these :P)

Q: How do you know the order of the constellations?
A: In the Flash file for the telescope, you can take a look within it (don't ask how, just trust us) and there is a distinct order found in the flash file. It has been right thusfar, and we are confident to say it will be right to the end.

Q: I LOST MY (insert item acquired from the plot) TO THE (insert neopian bad-guy who stole it from you)! WHAT DO I DO?!
A: Alas, it seems there's no way to recover these items. Looks like you're out of luck. I'd suggest next time you put your items straight into your SDB.

Q: I see someone breaking the rules. What do I do?
A: The BEST thing to do would be to PM a Moderator about it. It's our job to deal with it, not YOURS to point it out to the person in public. In fact, by pointing it out, YOU can be in as much trouble too! You have been warned. If it's just someone asking a question answered here, KINDLY post that their question has been answered, and ONLY if you're the first to do so.

S: I don't feel like listening to the rules.
A: Oh. Well there's a way to treat your kind. You may or may not be warned by a mod to stop. Continual offences can cause you to be STRIKED (If you don't know what that means, go back to the first Q). And if it becomes a problem in general, the thread will be CLOSED DOWN permanently.
Remember: This is a MINI plot and with NO WAR portion.
Let's repeat. MINI PLOT and NO WAR.
One more time. MINI PLOT and NO WAR.

======== Links of interest =========
Clues (by the Lenny): ... lue_list=1
Star Mapper (thanks DarkFire): & instructions.
Stoodder's Constellation Finder: ... dconst.php
Another Constellation Finder:

(Note: Make sure you click CONTINUE (if applicable) when you have completed each part!)

(New Note: The "Add Star" button in the telescope does NOT add a new star to the sky. Instead, it lets you add a star to the constellation you're currently building without drawing a line. This is important to know.)

========= The Beginning ============
1. Click the big castle in the center of the map, The Hall of Heroes
2. In the very back-right corner, you'll see a familiar character. Click him!
3. Hey! It's our old friend again. Looks like he has a new job-- Janitor. Click that button that's next to him.
---> Hm, nothing happened.
4. Oh well, Now click the Altadorian Archives, then go into the doorway on the right.
5. Click the book that is under one of the table legs and balancing it.
---> Hm, we're going to have to replace it...
6. Now go to the QUARRY. And find a rock that'll be suitable. Stumped? Here.
---> Aha! A good replacement for that book...
7. Go back to the Altadorian Archives and click that same book again.
---> We can access the book now! (Located near the top-right part of the scene)
8. You can read the prologue from that book now.
---> Advance a page by clicking the top-right of the book, go back by clicking the top-left.
*** Page 1~3 Acquired! *** (out of 53 pages)
9. Go back to the Janitor in The Hall of Heroes and talk to him.
---> Hmm. We're going to need something to help oil some gears...
10. Click each statue until you find a bottle of oil & a rag.
---> Note: Location is different for each person. Perhaps you should write where you found it, just in case. (Although evidence indicates that it is NOT relevant)
11. Once you've found it, go back to the Janitor and click the button again.
---> The ceiling opens up! Let there be LIGHT!
* On the left side of The Hall of Heroes, there is now a staircase leading up to a dome-shaped room. Looks like a telescope is missing.
* If you click each statue in The Hall of Heroes, on the very top pixels /section of the picture of the statue, you can click and look up, and get some arrangement of gems. There is a helpful compilation of the pictures by soymimi here

======= We see the light =======
1. So it looks like the Astronomy club is finally advertising. Go to the Altador Archives and click the pamphlet that shows a telescope. Or click here!
---> You've recieved a telescope!
2. Go back to the Hall of Heroes and go up the staircase on the left side. Click the telescope holder.
---> It fits! You've found the cinderella! ... Actually I guess you found the slipper... oh whatever.
3. Now for the work. Get to it! Start mapping. By the way, Everyone's star formation is different from another. We can help with details, but you're going to have to interpret on your own from now on!
---> Excellent star mapper courtesy of DarkFire here. Follow the instructions on her post.
---> If you want to map your coordinates yourself in Excel, AngelFoxBlue wrote some pretty clear instructions on doing that here.

===== Constellations: Found! ======
--> a. Go to The TOMB (bottom-left corner of the main Altador Map)
On the door of the tomb, the black dots are clickable. Try clicking it.
It lights up
--> b. Go to the Wise Lenny in The Altadorian Archives.
--> c. Go to the observatory and look in your telescope. (At this time use Darkfire's mapper. Any time before this you'll get a different set of stars!)
--> d. Find the exact formation found in part a (the orientation is as seen on the tomb doors-- it is NOT rotated in any way) and you will have found your first constellation! (Important note: You MUST connect the lines rather than just using "Add Star". If you don't, the correct stars can be rejected!)
--> e. After you have found it, go back to the Lenny at the Altadorian Archives.
*** Page 4~7 Acquired! ***
--> f. Go to the Hall of Heroes and click on the DARK FAERIE (the one towards the bottom) and look up. The jewels are illuminated! (And the janitor complains of the light)
--> g. Check in with the Astronomy Club and see what they have to say about your discovery.

--> a. The top right cloud in Altador is clickable. Do it.
--> b. Near the top part of picture, click on the gaps inbetween the clouds. THis will reveal your new constellation to find.
--> c. Talk to the Lenny again to see what he has to say now
--> d. Go back to the Observatory and look through your telescope.
===> NOTE: Your star map is the SAME as before. HOWEVER, due to star drift, you'll need to get the new updated star data.
===> NOTE: You must connect the "top part" using the *connect stars* option, but to get the lone star you MUST use the *add star* option.
--> e. Once you have obtained your constellation and submitted it, the jewels above The Dreamer (left side) will be illuminated.
--> f. Go back to the Lenny, Astronomy Club, and Janitor to get new messages.
*** Page 8~11 Acquired! ***

--> a. Go back to the tomb (the one from constellation 1). Click the BOTTOM-LEFT corner of the picture. This SHOULD get you to a wide breathtaking view of Altador. (If this does not work, highlight the text above the picture, then click TAB 3 times. THen press enter.)
--> b. Go back to the Hall of Heroes, and click The Dancer (the Cybunny to the LEFT of the King)
--> c. Click the Window that is in view.
--> d. Click the circular pathway, and you'll see the next constellation.
--> e. Go back and talk to the Lenny in the Altador Archives (unnecessary though)
--> f. Return to the Observatory and look for that constellation!
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> g. Once you have found that, go back and talk to the Lenny and Janitor for some nice remarks from them.
*** Page 12~15 Acquired! ***
--> h. If you go to the Astronmy club once again, you'll get an ASTRONOMY BADGE! Yay.

--> a. Go to the FARM. It's on the top center-rightish area of the island on Altador. Or for the lazy, click here.
--> b. Click the DOOR to the windmill (top right area)
--> c. Click the LEVER of the windmill (bottom left area)
--> d. You'll get yelled at, exit by clicking the DOORWAY. (right side)
--> e. Click the mounds of hay to expose your next constellation.
--> f. Go back and talk to the Lenny (if you want, that is)
--> g. Find your constellation by going to the Observatory.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> h. Go back and talk to the Lenny, Astronomy Club, Janitor to see what they have to say.
*** Page 16~19 Acquired! ***

--> a. Disco Time baby! Uhh. Right. In any case, First go to the ALTADORIAN ARCHIVES.
--> b. There's a new flyer up! It's for the Disco Dance Club! Go in!
--> c. Boogie down. Look at the red light at the top right part of the picture. The upper-left most "dot" in that red light is what you need to click.
--> d. Voila. There's your next constellation to find.
--> e. You can talk to the Lenny again if you wish
--> f. Now go find that constellation.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> h. Woohoo. Unfortunately, the disco club is now shut down. Poor Janitor... listen to his woes. And the a lil' more info from the Lenny. And again, soap opera central with the Astronomy Club.
*** Page 20~23 Acquired! ***

--> a. Click the dock-like area on the top left area of Altador. (The top-left most boat you can find)
--> b. Click one of the waves that you can find in the water.
--> c. Voila. There's your next constellation.
--> d. Talk to the Lenny to see what he has to say.
--> e. Now go find that constellation in the Observatory.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> f. Congrats. You've found another one. Go talk to the Lenny and Janitor to get some new tidbits.
*** Page 24~27 Acquired! ***
--> g. But if you go to the Astronomy club, they've given you a present! A Broken Astrolabe.
--> h. Go to Donny (here) and ask him to repair it. You'll get a SHINY ASTROLABE.

--> a. Click on the colosseum. That's the big circular thing right above the Hall of Heroes. Link here.
===> NOTE: The following steps (b~d) are DIFFERENT for everyone. The only way you can get this is by Guess and Check.
--> b. All the doors here are clickable. Click around until you see a Grarrl who asks you to go to the, erm, Punch Club.
--> c. When you find the Grarrl and follow him, you'll be led to a place where you can choose between three bowls of punch. Choose three of them in any order, ie. 1-1-1, 1-2-3, 1-2-2...
--> d. After you register three "punches", check that little golden goblet between bowl #2 and 3. If it's clickable, click it. If it's not, try another sequence.
===> NOTE: It seems at every hour you are KICKED out of the club if you have not found the correct combo yet. You will need to find a way to reenter the Punch club, however the door to see the Grarrl HAS CHANGED.
--> e. On the goblet's page, click the emblem of the sun. Voila, it's another clue!
--> f. Proceed like you normally would. Go to the Lenny Archivist, then go to the observatory.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> g. And there you go, it's your seventh constellation. Astronomy club wants to overthrow their jealous president, and the janitor is once again mad at you.
*** Page 28-31 Acquired! ***

===> NOTE: These steps vary for everybody. Read through carefully!
--> a. You have to go into one of the four Altadorian shops- Exquisite Ambrosia, Magical Marvels, Legendary Petpets, or Illustrious Armoury.
--> b. Your NP on hand must match the inflation rate at the shop x 100: ie. if Ambrosia has 4.13% inflation, have 413 NP on hand.
--> c. Refresh at the shop with the NP amount. You're looking for one of the following three items: Altadorian Chocolate Coin, Altadorian Coin Purse, Altadorian Scales.
--> d. If after a few refreshes, you don't find it, head on over to another shop and start over from step a. Make sure to adjust your NP amount accordingly, and be careful not to go over your maximum bank withdrawals.
--> e. Once you find one of these items in a shop, click it! You'll find your clue. Head on over to the Archivist or the telescope and get crackin'.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
*** Page 32-35 Acquired! ***

--> a. Go into the Archives. You'll see a familiar looking Lenny hiding behind the Archivist's him.
--> b. Oh look, it's Mr. Lenny Conundrum. He wants you to grab a plushie. Head on over into the Archivist's room.
--> c. To grab the Meepit plushie on the table, you have to distract the Archivist. Click that vase in the back to throw a stone at it.
--> d. When the Archivist's back is turned, grab the Meepit plushie, then go back to Mr. Lenny Conundrum.
--> e. He'll say it's the wrong plushie. Oh, too bad. Return to the Archives.
--> f. Now look closely here. See how the library is sectioned off? Click the tiny link embedded into the door handle. Look, you're in the archives, and it's a maze.
===> NOTE: In Step G, things become a little different for everyone.
--> g. As you click around on the doors, you'll notice that there's a small door in every room, slightly covered, in the top right. Click around on the big doors until you reach a room where the small door is clickable. This may take a few tries; but speculation is about that it only takes around three doors. Believe what you want, but if it seems to take a long time, try starting over.
--> h. Once you find that the small door is clickable, click it and you're in a closet. Oh, you found those Meepit plushies! Hide it by clicking the respective button.
--> i. Now go back into the Archivist's room. Repeat steps c and d.
--> j. Go back to Mr. Lenny Conundrum now. He attempts to attach a ribbon onto the plushie, but "uh oh..."
--> k. Click on that dagger, and there's your next constellation! Head on over to the Archivist, then to the telescope.
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
*** Page 36-39 Acquired! ***
--> l. Head on over to The Astronomy Club. Looks like they have a namesake item for you, but it may not be what you think... :P
*This item, "The Astronomy Club," is a battledome item. It CAN be equipped! See IDB's info here.

--> a. Go to either: the QUARRY, FARM, or DOCKS.
--> b. There's a Vaeolus somewhere (a yellow-ish petpet) click it.
--> c. Go to the Archivist to put the Vaeolus in his safety.
--> d. First, Here is the items you will need.
-----> 1. Go to the ALCHEMIST CLUB (the club with a potion) and "buy" the potion
=====> NOTE: Don't worry, the Archivist won't let you *pay* for it. You'll get it
-----> 2. Go to the RESTIVE TOMB (enter by clicking the wood plank)
-----> 3. Refresh until small bandages can be seen, use this picture for reference.
=====> NOTE: Be VERY OBSERVANT while you are refreshing, the clicking point is SUBTLE. It shouldn't take you TOO long to try and get it. If it's taking you a while, try going to the next step, and return back to this one and try again.
-----> 4. Go to the PUNCH CLUB (refer to THE GLADIATOR) on how to get there, and pick up a piece of pie (skeith/Techo's table)
** NOTE: The STATUS of the vaeolus MAY CHANGE every MINUTE. As his STATUS changes, what you need to do will CHANGE.
--> e. Now, go back to the Vaeolus, and you now have 5 options to help it:
(1) Feed, (2) Bandage, (3) Give Medicine, (4) Wait, (5) Check in on the Vaeolus.
(If you do not have all 5, check which step you've missed!)
There are also 4 poses: (1) Sleeping, (2) Tongue sticking out, (3) Paw held up, (4) Sick Face, paw to beak.
> What action to do based on picture:
* Sleeping ----> Wait
* Tongue out --> Feed
* Sick Face ---> Give Medicine
* Paw Up ------> Bandage
To Begin:
* Click the Vaelous from the Archivist's office.
(You MUST be able to complete Steps 1~3 within a minute for 10 consecutive minutes. Keep yourself FOCUSED on this!)
>> Step 1: Look at your Vaeolus and use the appropriate action listed above. (Be sure to only click it ONCE for THIS minute)
>> Step 2: Now click the "Check in on the Vaelous" option IMMEDIATELY.
>> Step 3: Once a minute has passed (it's passed the :00 second. I suggest waiting til its :05 to assure the status is for the next minute) Click the "Check in on the Vaelous" again.
>> Step 4: Repeat steps 1~3 for EACH MINUTE for the next 10 MINUTES.
!! Please note that the STATUS need NOT change each minute.
!! If you MISS a minute, you will need to start over.
!! If it takes longer than 10 minutes, you may have missed a minute. Or perhaps double clicked an action. You will need to restart.
!! WARNING: DO NOT LEAVE THE PAGE, or you will have to start over.
--> f. When sucessful, your Vaeolus will light up, and a Skieth from the PPL will thank you, and you will recieve a parchment. Click the top left of it and there's your next constellation.
--> g. Talk to the archevist if you wish, then head over to the telescope and find it!
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> h. Then talk to the Janitor/Archevist/Astronomy Club as you wish.
*** Page 40-43 Acquired! ***

--> a. A new location, the Altador Water Distribution plant is now accessable. It is on the top left "water tower" of the Walls in Altador.
--> b. You cannot enter yet, go to the quarry now instead.
--> c. Click the top of the path that leads into the woods.
--> d. You are now at a wall, near the bottom part there is a grey-outlined door, above the large "light green" patch. Click it.
--> e. You are confronted by a spectral Minitheus. Try and click the amulet.
--> f. You aren't worthy... yet. Go to the Farm and notice what the farmer says.
--> g. Go back to the Altador Water Plant and enter through the door (it will be open now)
--> h. Fiddle with the wheels and switches (Note that there are THREE rooms total, the one you're in, one to the left, one to the right)
--> i. If you hit the right combo, you will be redirected out and given a congratulatory message. [Not yet known if the sequences to get this is same for everyone]
--> j. Redo steps b~ e.
--> k. Now you can recieve the amulet, and see your next constellation (and talk to the Archivist if you wish). (NOTE: After this point the spectral Minitheus evaporates)
==> NOTE: At this point use the starmapper to get your data. Any mapping BEFORE this time, may cause a DIFFERENT set.
--> l. Once you have found your next constellation, go ahead and talk to the Janitor, where he now says the lights are all off (which they are). Go to the Archivist to learn more of what's happening. And go to the Astronomy club to see what happens to the Club President. (Make sure you click the *Click the Green Flap* button)
--> m. You can go to ANY statue, and put the amulent around the statue. Click on the torso to place the amulet (However, once you leave the amulet leaves with you)
--> n. Also, the Altador Archives' library is now open for you to wander around.
*** Page 44-47 Acquired! ***

Any additions/corrections should be posted here.

Last edited by ScottNak on Sat May 13, 2006 2:25 am, edited 5 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:26 am 
PPT Baby
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Theonlysaneone said:
Ollie (aka the Orange Shirt Guy) is a poor Staff member that people obsess over because he is allegedly good-looking. There are some people on Neo that do nothing but stalk him, and let's just say there is a reason they don't give out their screennames.

Well, I know who he is, sort of. I just mean, everyone was saying that Ollie let out a clue or something like that. A clue for the Altador plot. I wasn't here for it, and most people can't or won't tell me what it was. I was sort of hoping someone here would know.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 3:30 am 
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Eynah wrote:
Theonlysaneone said:
Ollie (aka the Orange Shirt Guy) is a poor Staff member that people obsess over because he is allegedly good-looking. There are some people on Neo that do nothing but stalk him, and let's just say there is a reason they don't give out their screennames.

Well, I know who he is, sort of. I just mean, everyone was saying that Ollie let out a clue or something like that. A clue for the Altador plot. I wasn't here for it, and most people can't or won't tell me what it was. I was sort of hoping someone here would know.

Usually on the Neoboards, people just say that Ollie said the clue was out, to make everyone all frantic. Personally, I don't think the clue is out yet, BUT, I could be wrong, and if it is, then, hey, it's a dang good clue, seeing as no one has found it yet.

Have you also noticed that everytime someone said Ollie gave a hint, there was no screenshots? Same with when they said they found the 11'th, there was no screenshots of ANYTHING....I never believe the Neoboards anymore...that's why I usually stick here 90% of the time.

«Don't play with fire, play with Rachel.»

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:18 am 
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Excuse me if I'm about to be dumb, but what EXACTLY is the protector supposed to be protecting. Do we know this?? Maybe that's what we should be looking for???? On another note the book has always bothered me--- those darned pages sticking out. I know the Archivist's office is worse than any teenager's room (sorry to all teenagers, but you know it's true), they almost look like they're supposed to be a link.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:38 am 
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I'd just like to apologize for my earlier post, if anyone was offended by my offhand political comment. It won't happen again.


IDB Rater, Pink Inker

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 4:59 am 
Beyond Godly
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Trilian8 wrote:
...but what EXACTLY is the protector supposed to be protecting.

In the video game, Jerdana, the Protector, protected Altador by freezing it in time. She also trapped the dark faerie by turning her to stone with her amulet.

Image Image Image

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 5:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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I think Ollie is just messing with people. He's not actually one of the staffers working on the plot (he coded the flash telescope and that's it). It's been so long since the last clue that people are just going crazy now.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 7:09 am 
PPT Baby
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Who says Ollie is actually involved at all? I could post on the Neoboards that Donna herself gave me the location of the next clue, not actually saying where it is, and I'll bet you the thread would have a hundred posts saying "OMG tell us plz!" within 10 minutes. I'm not meaning to be a cynic, but isn't there some chance that the whole "Ollie knows" thing was some rumor that one mischievious user planted? That's my opinion on it, and I won't believe that the clue is out until the constellation is on my screen (or the info is posted here, that probably will come first, exams are a major obstacle to clue-hunting).

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 8:40 am 
PPT Toddler
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I may not have noticed this before, perhaps I did way back when and forgot. I was in the Archivist's office and was looking at the Book of Ages or whatever it's called. I noticed that the blank page on the left was clickable and so I did and it shows the cover of the book. Does anyone think that's important?

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*When a one-armed man tells you not to juggle chainsaws, you'd better listen

*Sticking your tongue out to catch snowflakes is fun, catching hypothermia is not

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:07 am 
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i don't think it matters, it's probably just to make the book more realistic.


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You are a pirate!

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:02 am 
PPT Baby
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If I found the answer before anyone else but didn't want to tell anyone else I would post a picture of the lit-up gems above the statue; since it's impossible to get that without completing a clue or hitting the neopets server with several billion or so guessed URLs. I wouldn't actually keep it from people, though, because I don't see the point in that.

I refuse to believe anyone until they can demonstrate a similar proof.

I'm actually starting to wonder if the neopets lot are having some real issues relating to the move; while the site is still ticking over and the news and various updates still work the neocam has been off for longer than I would expect... as if the lack of plot updates wasn't curiosity-inducing enough...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:37 am 
PPT Baby
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Random speculation - but in the south of the city is what seems to be a maze. What do you want to bet we get stuck in it before the end of this plot?

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:39 am 
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I have been refreshing for ages and haven't got the bandages. I have even gone and got my pie beforehand, but the bandages just aren't showing up! GGRRR!!! :x

Scrap that, I got them straight after posting this :lol:

Thanks Rachel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 12:07 pm 

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I'm going crazy...that stupid animal won't light up..I did everything you guys told me: do what he needs, check in, wait, check in, do what he needs, check in, wait, check in etc. for at least 10 minutes..and nothing changes!!
I'm really going nuts!!!

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2006 12:28 pm 
PPT Student
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saine wrote:
Random speculation - but in the south of the city is what seems to be a maze. What do you want to bet we get stuck in it before the end of this plot?

I was thinking that too

Do you have your towel?

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