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 Post subject: Altador Plot Thread (Split #11)
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:37 am 
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Remember: This is a MINI plot and with NO WAR portion.
Let's repeat. MINI PLOT and NO WAR.
One more time. MINI PLOT and NO WAR.

======== Links of interest =========
Last Thread:

(Note: Make sure you click CONTINUE (if applicable) when you have completed each part!)
========= The Beginning ============
1. Click the big castle in the center of the map, The Hall of Heros
2. In the very back-right corner, you'll see a familiar character. Click him!
3. Hey! It's our old friend again. Looks like he has a new job-- Janitor. Click that button that's next to him.
---> Hm, nothing happened.
4. Oh well, Now click the Altadorian Archives, then go into the doorway on the right.
5. Click the book that is under one of the table legs and balancing it.
---> Hm, we're going to have to replace it...
6. Now go to the QUARRY. And find a rock that'll be suitable. Stumped? Here.
---> Aha! A good replacement for that book...
7. Go back to the Altadorian Archives and click that same book again.
---> We can access the book now! (Located near the top-right part of the scene)
8. You can read the prologue from that book now.
---> Advance a page by clicking the top-right of the book, go back by clicking the top-left.
*** Page 1~3 Acquired! *** (out of 53 pages)
9. Go back to the Janitor in The Hall of Heros and talk to him.
---> Hm. We're going to need something to help oil some gears...
10. Click each statue until you find a bottle of oil & a rag
---> Note: Location is different for each person. Perhaps you should write where you found it, just in case. (Although evidence indicates that it is NOT relevant)
11. Once you've found it, go back to the Janitor and click the button again.
---> The ceiling opens up! Let there be LIGHT!

======= We see the light =======
1. So it looks like the Astronomy club is finally advertising. Go to the Altador Archives and click the pamphlet that shows a telescope. Or click here!
---> You've recieved a telescope!
2. Go back to the Hall of Heroes and go up the staircase on the left side. Click the telescope holder.
---> It fits! You've found the cinderella! ... Actually I guess you found the slipper... oh whatever.
3. Now for the work. Get to it! Start mapping. By the way, Everyone's star formation is different from another. We can help with details, but you're going to have to interpret on your own from now on!
---> Excellent star mapper courtesy of DarkFire here. Follow the instructions on her post.

======= Enlightenment =========
Alright, so here are points of interests now.
* On the left side of The Hall of Heros, there is now a staircase leading up to a dome-shaped room. Looks like a telescope is missing.
* If you click each statue in The Hall of Heros, on the very top pixels /section of the picture of the statue, you can look up, and get some arrangement of gems. The following are the same for EVERYONE, here is the breakdown:
- 20 above King Altador
- 22 above Jerdana
- 22 above Siyana
- 22 above Kelland
- 19 above Florin
- 18 above Torakor
- 19 above Darkest faerie
- 22 above marak
- 16 above fauna
- 20 above Psellia
- 17 above Gordos
- 19 above Sasha
--> As well as a helpful compilation of the pictures by soymimi here
Any additions/corrections should be posted here.

Image Image
<3 Divas rock! Click to join. <3

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:44 am 
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Ok, I got my sky mapped out... So were suppost to match the statue constillations to these? o-o

Image Image Image

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:46 am 
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Boy, am I way behind...went to post and the thread had already closed! :D

Hi all, again!
Ok, after spending way too much time catching up on the thread, I need your input to my input...? know what I mean.

The cards, I think, are just a way for us to see what the constellation SHOULD look like. Go to this page and just scroll down to click on all the name cards, ie. The Gatherer, etc.

Otherwise noone would know what the Hunter's would look like, how many stars make it up, etc., etc.

Just like we know what Orion looks like because we've seen pictures of it, drawings of the legend, etc. But just because people are familiar with the shape of Orion, doesn't mean they could find it in the night sky. You have to be at the right time and place so to speak. We certainly can't see all of the existing constellations when we look out our front door, but over time we could eventually see most of them, right? Seasons and all.

That being said, I doubt if all of the constellations are available to see now. Remember, all of our skies are much larger than is showing presently through the telescope. (and it's a cheap one, too!) But, there should be at least one, if not several, in the scope already.

Perhaps we need clues before continuing, perhaps not.

Perhaps the "minor" part was the joke. hehe. Like Ursa Minor the constellation??

Just a thought.

And the gems...Some you can see where overlaying it to the TCG works, others simply do not. But, within the gems you can see the constellation itself and maybe the surrounding gems are indeed other stars surrounding that constellation in the sky area.

So, what do you think...?

by now, I'm sure someone else has probably posted the same thing!!

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:54 am 
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Guys, I want to share a couple pics w/ ya and see if anyone is looking in the same direction as me.

Image Image

Okay, I took the star mapper image and stretched it until it fit (perfectly) over my own screen caps of my telescope, so my star mapper map is at the exact same size as my telescope map, minus the blue noise in the background.

Then I took my ceiling gem images, and 'erased' the gems. Made a template of that particular piece of ceiling and set it's transparancy to about 50%. I left the image size at exactly the same image size and orientation as what I screen capped.

I am systematically going, star-by-star with each ceiling star template and trying to match up 6 stars. If I find one, I'll try it, but the going is slow. I am pretty sure that I'm looking in the right direction though, because occasionally I will match up two or three stars, almost perfectly. Looking at the above images, the ones on the left are sloppy, but the ones on the right are very very close to perfect.

I started with Marak, and am working on Kelland and Florin, but if I go through all 12 constellations and don't have anything, I'm going to try again, by reorienting the images, according to where they are on the ceiling (i.e. 30 degrees per ceiling panel x 12 = 360 degrees for the full ceiling)

Anyway that's the area I'm working in if anyone else wants to go that way. It's looking promising, to me anyway.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:59 am 
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dawnmomoffour: So if each constellation only has 6 stars, but not in the gems (cracked or uncracked) or TCGs or whatever people are going by, shouldn't that mean that some constellations would share some stars, sort of overlapping, since most gem patterns or TGC cards have about 6 stars but some have more or less? o_O

And what is all this stuff? Somehow telling us how to connect the stars?

mcDraw.curveTo(4.142136E-001 * _loc1 + _loc3, -_loc1 + _loc2, 7.071068E-001 * _loc1 + _loc3, -7.071068E-001 * _loc1 + _loc2);
mcDraw.curveTo(_loc1 + _loc3, -4.142136E-001 * _loc1 + _loc2, _loc1 + _loc3, _loc2);
_loc1.starExists = function (x, y)

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Last edited by anjuna on Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:07 am 
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this maight seem a little far fetched but what if the only stars we need to look at are the white ones... because there are only two types of gems and they are similar not the same but similar... I think that the rest of the coulours are just there to throw us off.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:20 am 
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Shades_of_grey ~ I agree. I don't think we can honestly focus on just the larger coloured stars, like the purples and pinks. When I went through and organized my stars ( ) I found that most of the larger stars were actually out of range and it was near impossible to form a constellation out of them because of their locations anyway.

I think, due to the magnitude of the number of small white stars as opposed to the lacking of others, we need to focus on the white stars-- or ones numbered "1" in our coordinates. We are much more likely to find all the constellations using them in conflict to using the others.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:23 am 
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Hey Kess,

That's fantastic. Here's what I did when I read your post...

I'm not positive that those are the right ones, but they look like his constellation out of the gems there.

I tried to do the same thing with your Marak gems, but guess what?? My marak gems are different. I went through all my pics of my ceiling gems and none of them match your tile!

:o WHOA! What does this mean?? idunno. :oops:

btw, here's my image of the wave.

As you can see, I'm not real sure which one to go with yet, red seems to fit, but then so does blue...oh well. But can you at least see that they don't match? hmm? hmm?

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:23 am 
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there are FIVE kind of gems, not two, and FIVE kind of stars, so I suppose you can replace it all on star maps.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:25 am 
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That picture make me think... and the gems can be classified like this, sorry for the bad colour fill...(there are 5 type of gems, yellow, blue, pink, red, green)

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:26 am 

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Kess wrote:
Guys, I want to share a couple pics w/ ya and see if anyone is looking in the same direction as me.

Image Image
Looking at the above images, the ones on the left are sloppy, but the ones on the right are very very close to perfect.

I started with Marak, and am working on Kelland and Florin, but if I go through all 12 constellations and don't have anything, I'm going to try again, by reorienting the images, according to where they are on the ceiling (i.e. 30 degrees per ceiling panel x 12 = 360 degrees for the full ceiling)


Have you reversed Florin on purpose? I've had some close matches to my eye in reverse, but nothing that the constellation finder will accept...
but I'm also only working with the 3 that have the 6 stars...

Ole Lady Who'll never grow up! :D

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:30 am 
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Sorry, that image was horrible.

Try this one.

Anyway, I'm going back to double check my ceiling.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:32 am 
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moihaha wrote:
there are FIVE kind of gems, not two, and FIVE kind of stars, so I suppose you can replace it all on star maps.

in general shape and conception there are two yes they change size and they are SLIGHTLY diffrent but they could be considered the same. Though, I guess, the same could be said about there being 1 type of gem but not really.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:34 am 
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It's only a theorie, but the white halos on celling makes me think of our milk road, in part because the're different in each celling which I doubt is fortuit, maybe they did not release it yet, but it would be a great way to replace everything on the map if they do

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:41 am 
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Kess wrote:
I started with Marak, and am working on Kelland and Florin,

D'oh! OK, OK, going whacko there. I didn't match your tile, but once I looked at FLORIN, not marak, but FLORIN... I can see they are the same, only reversed, hence my not noticing right off. *cough*

My guess on Florins.

*quietly twiddles thumbs*

Oh yeah, anyway...the whole reason I'm sending you these pics is...I know you've punched out the gems...and assuming at least one of my guesses are right, if you only try to match the ones that are in that particular constellation, the ones circled...then maybe once those are found, there will be other stars that will fit into your gem card thing. I don't know how to say what I'm trying to say... :cry:

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