# So you want your Neopets to spend more time outside? Why not head down to the Garden Centre and pick up one of these new items for your Neogarden!
# x_baby_phat and xCottonFluff should be extremely happy today. They have just won the latest Site Spotlight award.
# This week's PPL award has been given to the Melton. Well done Xalia, Squirl Fire, Luminesce, Spitfire, and all the others.
# Only the brave or the stupid would dare to take on Zyrolon in the latest Better Than You competition...
# Display your true feelings with these new Buddy Icons...
# A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was 62. 1411 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 1418 NP each.
# Can you solve the puzzle in our new sponsor game Everyone's Hero: Wheel of Words?
# Well done equinox72. You have devised this week's Pirate Cave Of The Week - Steel Column.
# If you need a little more light in your Neohome these new windows from Brightvale Glaziers should do the trick.
# Captain Tuan is getting restless! He'll be leaving port at 2 PM NST on September 7th, so get your guesses in before then!
Guess we finally have a deadline then...