For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:13 pm
It's come to my attention that there are a lot of things missing from Neopets than their use to be. Whether it's now the major commercialization of the game that, over time has diffused some aspects of the site, or not it still leaves a visible impression in my mind.
Magic. Is the world of Neopia now fruitless in this catergory?. Lupes use to have great penchants for it, as included in one of the previous flashes talking about the species not to mention the now infamous battle pose. It was almost like then Neopets really cared about the quality of it's site more than today.
Aishas were also magical, but rarely is this ever mentioned anymore. Now they have grown into almost.. domesicated fat old housecats as if retired from previous antics.
Though I'm thankful this isn't as big of a deal and Neopets has remained pretty much the same, in my opinion, as it was years ago.. I still kind of miss the bits of information they'd pass off to their species.
Now it's just that all of them are either friendly, loyal or adventerous. No variety!.
Discuss. What do you remember about Neopia or Neopets?. Anything like this, do you miss it?.
Edit: I'm late for an appointment. Will come back and either add to or spell check later. Sorry for bad english!.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:40 pm
I think it comes and goes. I used to be very disappointed that they'd never done anything with the Lenny's high intelligence and alleged proficiency with many forms of magic, but over the last few years, they've added a few TCG's and color characters that make the average lenny seem more intelligent and magical than the average pet.
There's a magic-using librarian, and a wizard in the TCGs, and now a museum curator along with the school teached in the neodeck cards.
Lupes get represented as plot characters a LOT, so there's a gradually widening range of characters they have to cover to keep from repeating the same stereotype characters over and over. (which they do, sort of anyway)
Tue Feb 14, 2006 5:52 pm
I wish they'd have a wider variety of stars. Aishas & Lupes get used alot, but when have you seen an Elephante or Eyrie? Heck, I don't even remember seeing a Jetsam or Flotsam in the Maraquan plot at all.
Plus (I know it's not a very original complaint), as much as I love cute animals, there's sooo much cutification going on of pets. The llama was cool... now it's poofy and fluffy and huggable and stuff. I HATE bugs, but even I like the Ruki cuz it's almost huggable. Where'd the variety go?
Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:03 pm
What I want to know is why did they get rid of Meristones. I loved that game, then it was gone with not so much as a by-your-leave.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:42 pm
Maybe its because what people pulled with the harry potter thing. 'Magic is the devil! Onoes! D<'
Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:47 pm
Oh, being a member of Neopets since 2001 there are TONS of things I miss. Poogle Solitaire is one. I miss all the old worlds, the old items, everything. I miss the old petpets.. the Fat Cat. That was my all time favorite. I hate how they made all these pets "cute", along with the site itself. I miss the old layout, the AD FREE SITE. It's gone wayyyy down the drain now. The merchandise, the commercials, it's horrible. Too many little kids on this site now when it use to be made for COLLEGE STUDENTS. In my opinion, they should either change it back.. or make another site for TEENS AND ADULTS. Leave the little kids to the "cute" Neopets. And when you sign up for the new Neopets, you should have to identify yourself with your drivers license or something like that, that way they know you're not fibbing them. The main reason I grew away (and get farther away from it each day) is the cute-ness. What happened to the fierce plots? The pirates taking over? Destroying Maraqua? But nooooo.. not now. We have to be "nice". Maraqua comes back, the Lost Desert is saved, and who knows.. the Darkest Faerie will probably become "nice" at the end of the next plot. And one day, even Dr Sloth will become nice. We all know it will happen. It's just a matter of time.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:00 pm
I do miss the "sharp edges" of Neopets. I miss the pets who weren't all fluff and curves, and the little touches of personality that said "Hey, actual humans work on this!" You know, the non-PC aspect of Neopets. It had to go, I guess, but I wish it had held out awhile longer.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:13 pm
I know there was this one site I use to go to all the time.. it has a list of all the old Maps, pets, etc. I tried google.. but nothing yet. I have a couple of links to sites that have old links or images. (old items, maps, etc) ... 16642.html (has links to old parts of Neopets, just scroll down.) (old pets)
If it's not okay to post those links, then a mod can delete them.
EDIT: I found the site I was looking for!!
Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:52 pm
Aww, the old neopets were so nice. I even liked the Elephante. But Troggy-- I agree with you on that. I wouldn't be surprised. Most likely the reason the lupe's battle image was changed into a snarling wolf was because the original had it's two front paws clasped together. I guess instead of magic, like it was originally intended, people started interpreting it as 'religious' just because the gesture is used by many cultures for that purpose.
Otherwise, I entirely agree on the age part. It's getting more difficult to explain to people that Neopets is not a child site as it seems to be, and there infact tend to be many Neopians over the age of 18. There are a few guilds and such still left out there though, such as select roleplaying ones if your into it and a few others that aren't swamped by immature 10 year olds.
Sometimes I ponder attempting to get accepted into an over 18 guild myself, as I'm merely a year away from turning the actual number. If I didn't have to supply something like a scan of my driver's license, I would. Atleast I would not be greeted by boards with chatspeak, poor grammar, and the ever popular topic of: "OH MAH GOODNESS HE/SHE/THIS PERSON IS S0000ooooO hawt but he doznt liek me plz halp. ):"
I guess that's another reason why I'm guildless now. No intelligent, mature conversation where you don't have to restrict yourself to the point of insanity. It's quite disheartening.
Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:31 pm
Although I'm a bit nostalgic for the old neopets, I'm not that nostalgic for the old artwork. Some of the old pets had a lot of character, and I agree that pets these days tend to be over-cute... but the quality of the drawings has gotten better and better. I mean, people are always complaining that the pets still drawn in the older style (eg. the Scorchio) are in deseperate need of a make-over.
Dustin: That's an awesome site! I'd forgotten about the Aisha's telepathic/telekenetic powers. This picture is great

Bring back the magic, I say!
Edit: Erm... fixed image.
Last edited by
mazil on Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:36 am
Oh I agree, the art of Neopets these days is a lot better. Let's face it, gradient shading wasn't all too pleasing. The line thickness or cartoonish issue is another though. But what I'm saying is that I wish they kept the species specific personality traits, as like you mentioned the aisha's telephatic qualities.
Wed Feb 15, 2006 12:59 am
Wow. Everything looks so... different.
My friend showed me her Neopets account in 2003, but I only ever saw Neopia Central. I thought it looked different than I remembered when I finally signed up last fall.
I also wouldn't horribly mind each species having special abilities....
Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:07 am
What was kind of Aisha was
this supposed to be? It looks neat.
Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:12 am
KaylaTheHedgehog wrote:What was kind of Aisha was
this supposed to be? It looks neat.
There's no telling. Probably just some previous demonic/Halloween Aisha. Probably just a /very/ early Aisha character.
Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:21 am
KaylaTheHedgehog wrote:What was kind of Aisha was
this supposed to be? It looks neat.
I believe the last time I saw that on neopets was in a VERY OLD random event... it just said something about an evil aisha growling at you. Rarrrrrrrr
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