It's come to my attention that there are a lot of things missing from Neopets than their use to be. Whether it's now the major commercialization of the game that, over time has diffused some aspects of the site, or not it still leaves a visible impression in my mind.
Magic. Is the world of Neopia now fruitless in this catergory?. Lupes use to have great penchants for it, as included in one of the previous flashes talking about the species not to mention the now infamous battle pose. It was almost like then Neopets really cared about the quality of it's site more than today.
Aishas were also magical, but rarely is this ever mentioned anymore. Now they have grown into almost.. domesicated fat old housecats as if retired from previous antics.
Though I'm thankful this isn't as big of a deal and Neopets has remained pretty much the same, in my opinion, as it was years ago.. I still kind of miss the bits of information they'd pass off to their species.
Now it's just that all of them are either friendly, loyal or adventerous. No variety!.
Discuss. What do you remember about Neopia or Neopets?. Anything like this, do you miss it?.
Edit: I'm late for an appointment. Will come back and either add to or spell check later. Sorry for bad english!.

How come in the TCG: Darkest Faerie edition there's a Yellow Gallion, but no such option to paint your Gallion this colour exists?.