The plushie hissi that tongue!
Absolutely love the plushie hissi - TNT seem to have got it right this time. It looks like you could buy it from your local shop.
Is anyone else getting annoyed that it's never put up at the same time? For a while it was always almost exactly four o'clock, my time everyday. No it's whenever the darn well feel like it is seems, because I checked around ten my time and it still wan't up.
It makes it fairer for other countries/timezones when the news is put up at different times. Your 4.00 o/c is probably midnight somewhere else. It would be very unfair if one country always got the news during the day but another always had it early hours of the morning.
I usually don't notice much about the art, but has anybody else noticed the really thick lines on some of the new items lately? The morphing potions today, and the Elephante day items?
It's really, really noticable (especially if I noticed it, when I usually don't!)
I actually like the look, at least on certain items. Not so much if everything was like that. To me, some of the fine line art started to look washed-out.
The thicker lines give the items, especially the potions better definition - more substance.
I wonder what the difficulty will be for the kad? I don't really want that RE, but I am curious.
I have had the R/E three times!! I wouldn't mind getting it once more, if it means getting the kadoatie as a challenger.
I personally don't like the look of the kadoatie from the news. I find it too ....... ugly. Kadoaties to me are cute, with a fiery personality; not an outright ugly monster!!