Alright. If you're from the NC, you know this already. If you're not, bear with me. You can read, or not, but all I need is from the bottom.
During the Chaos Kaos, my accounts were ripped from me, somehow. I'm beginning to doubt cookiegrabber since I only went to one shop and changed my password directly after, but they were gone. Every one under my IP e-mail, but none under old or new FREEMAILS. So, I logged onto one of those FREEMAIL ones and Neomailed my account. Two days later the person contacted me, right around the time I was changing the background to say that it was a stolen account. I don't think she noticed, since the background was never removed. I'd told her my pets were important, and in broken chatspeak she said she'd abandon them for me. I told her I would only settle for having my account back, and that I would freeze them myself if she didn't hand them over.
The next day, one of my sides- HIAL- had sent the password to me, gibberish. I requested the passwords for AD, JF and DS, and received them. All worked, except AD. I changed everything in the accounts I could get into, and set about trying to get into AD. I'd heard some symbols didn't appear in e-mails, but they all did. The password just wouldn't work. I requested it three more times and it was the same, it just wouldn't work. Today, I received a Neomail on JF telling me that all IP e-mail accounts were no longer associated with it, since it had been unsubscribed. Angry, I changed the e-mail to my FREEMAIL, and went to HIAL to do the same, but it had no Neomail. The scriptkiddie had somehow changed her e-mail back in after sending me my passwords, I suspect she thought she could sneak back in again or something. I changed the e-mail, and contacted her directly, telling her I wasn't a moron and that she should quit while she was ahead. However, I still cannot get into AD. And this is why I'm here.
I need people to contact from TNT. Anyone I can badger who might be able to resubscribe my IP e-mail and give me a proper password into AD. I really, really want my pets back. They actually do mean a lot to me.
Thanks for helping.