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World Challenge

Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:03 am

I'm currently saving up for a Lab Map, but when I have that, I need a new goal. I was first thinking of setting up an Omelette and/or Jelly gallery (yes, really :lol: ). But today, for no reason whatsoever, I received a 'Maraqua 1.4 WC Piece' as a gift from someone - she said she had a hard time selling it. Now I wonder, maybe, once I have the Lab Map, I should collect the pieces from this? Can someone tell me how this works/ what it would cost me/ what the rewards would be? And yes, I already have the Petpet Laboratory Map.

Tue Jan 03, 2006 6:03 am

If you can get all 20 pieces of a map, then you can turn it in for 2000np and a prize. Sometimes the prize is great, like a paintbrush. Occasionally you get a dud, like a codestone.

You can resell the WC piece in your shop, but they sell slowly.

You can get free pieces by playing your best games in a "world challenge". Open the start page for your game, but before you click on the picture that starts the new game window, look near the bottom for a picture of a neoworld with "world challenge" next to it. Click that. Follow instructions to enter. It costs 100nps to enter.

The challenge is open for 57 minutes, from H:03 to next H:00. start at the beginning of the hour. There will be 5-10 other players doing the same thing, your scores are randomly paired with theirs to count as a win or a loss. They also give prizes for highest score of the hour, and highest total of scores for the hour. The prizes are a WC piece, plus 300-1000 nps.

I have won WC pieces for games I'm not very good at by being paired with someone else who is not very good at that game.

Wed Jan 04, 2006 10:25 pm

Find one game you're really good at, and keep doing the world challenge for it. For instance, I do Faerie Could Racers. Slowly, but surely, I'm winning the pieces I need. My only question is, when I have the complete map, should I complete it, or try to sell the whole thing. (I'm talking about the first map, by the way. Not the second one. I'm not there yet.) Also, if you have completed both maps, can you still get pieces?

Wed Jan 04, 2006 11:17 pm

If your picture is converted (turned in for a prize), you can never earn another picture piece.

If your picture is complete, and you win a WC, you will not get the piece. You will have to remove a picture piece, then you can win more to replace it.

"Word Pyramid WC Winner!

It looks you have collected all the pieces for the picture(s) in the world that this game is set in or have not converted the completed picture yet, so no piece has been awarded."

Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:12 am

Also, if you complete the 1st gallery without converting it, and then keep playing thinking you'll get the 2nd gallery pieces... you won't. i had a blank 2nd gallery and a full 1st gallery and didn't get anymore until i converted

Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:53 am

They've made all the prizes top level prizes no matter what set is converted.

Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:22 am

What do you mean, and do you have proof of this?
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