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Cookiegrabbers: Real, explained, and stoppable

Mon Jan 09, 2006 8:43 am

I have finally found out what the cookiegrabbing thing was about, and it is real, but it's stoppable. A full explanation and how to stop it is posted in a different thread: ... 428#520428

To mods: I thought this was important enough that it deserved its own thread with a more obvious subject line. Perhaps it can be locked and stickied until this is fixed?

To everyone: It's best to keep all discussion in one thread, so please post in the linked thread, not here. Thanks!

Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:14 pm

We've got content on the front page about it, and anyone who is looking through General Chat will probably see it already. Duplicate threads aren't really looked well upon, and it really isn't all that useful. Sorry, but I think I'll have to lock this :(
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